Psychosis (young people) resources
There are many useful organisations working in the field of mental health, such as the charity Mind, and you can find more information on these and links in our mental health & wellbeing resources. You may also be interested in our General Health and Practical matters resources.
Other resources you may find useful:
NHS Choices – Psychosis
The official website of the National Health Service in England, the main provider of healthcare. Offers advice and information to the public and to health care professionals.
The British Psychological Society
A charity that represents psychologists and psychology in the UK.
Time to Change
Champions people with lived experience of mental health and challenges prejudice against people with mental health experiences. The charity is run by Mind and Rethink.
Hearing voices Network
The HVN challenges the way we currently understand, categorise and respond to mental distress. They provide an alternative to conventional views of mental illness by viewing mental distress as a usual human experience. They seek to promote debate which forefronts the views of those with lived experience of mental health as experts in experience.

Who made this psychosis (young people) resource?
Fauzia Knight Fauzia Knight (PhD) is Senior qualitative researcher at the Health Experiences Research Group. She currently researchers in the area of health experiences alongside...