Telling others

Once a diagnosis has been given, some of the men we spoke to were very open and were happy to talk about their diagnosis with anyone who asked. Some men talked about telling a few people and letting the news spread.

Jim was becoming more concerned about the pimple on his penis so he decided to tell his sister…

Age at interview 60

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 58

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Frank confided in a few close friends. He thinks the worst thing that you can do, if you have…

Age at interview 77

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72

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As well as his wife and step-daughter, John told other relations and his next door neighbour that…

Age at interview 68

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 64

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Tom was attending two large parties with friends, associates and relatives and used these events…

Age at interview 71

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 69

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If anyone wants to know anything about Colins condition he tells them, hes not embarrassed, but…

Age at interview 62

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 62

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For other men the issue was just too sensitive to speak about with others. Some men were able to discuss their diagnosis with close friends or family although others kept it private.

Frank Z is a very private person; he told only his immediate family the full details of his diagnosis while telling friends he had ‘a urinary problem.

Age at interview 74

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 73

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Benjamin told some people that he had part of his glans ‘the bell shaped end of his penis’ removed but didn’t tell anyone about the full removal of his penis because they might make fun of him.

Age at interview 83

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 82

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John regrets not telling his family sooner; he doesn’t want to talk about his cancer now because…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 74

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Revealing a diagnosis of penile cancer to children and young people can be particularly tough. For some of the men we interviewed, it was important to manage the information which was given to younger relatives, either shielding them from what was going on or being more general, as opposed to giving details about their condition.

John told his son and daughter-law all the details of his diagnosis but just told his…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 74

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Les broke the diagnosis to his wife in the way that he was told it: it was not too difficult to keep his diagnosis from his children because he had appointments when they were at school.

Age at interview 55

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 41

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Steve felt happy to tell people all about his cancer after his treatment; it was easier than…

Age at interview 71

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 65

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Most people will never have heard of penile cancer although they may know of someone who has had another cancer. There will be a range of responses when people hear that someone has penile cancer; surprise, shock or confusion; sadness, worry, a loss for words, a sense of awkwardness.

David found that nobody had ever heard of penile cancer. When he talks about it he finds that…

Age at interview 70

Gender Male

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People were shocked when Colin told them about his diagnosis, they thought he meant that he had…

Age at interview 62

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 62

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While young men were curious, Steve found that older men were uneasy when he told them about his…

Age at interview 71

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 65

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Telling friends and family about the diagnosis can lead to offers of sympathy and support.

People were shocked and saddened when Jim told them he had penile cancer but they tried to be…

Age at interview 60

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 58

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When people ask about penile cancer, many of the men found that saying that it was a rare cancer was sufficient and awkwardness prevents any further questioning. Others did want to know details about the illness and how it is treated. Family may be interested in whether the condition is hereditary and will be passed from parent to child or whether brothers of the man are at risk and should seek medical advice.

Paul felt embarrassed explaining his treatment to his brothers when their wives were present.

Age at interview 61

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 59

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Jordan’s friends were sympathetic when he told them the diagnosis, but his family had serious concerns: would it kill him and was it hereditary?

Age at interview 58

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 57

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Being open and talking things over with family and friends can also be beneficial to others as well as men who are experiencing the illness. Some people felt that they strengthened their family by telling them and allowing them to ask questions and share their concerns.

Tims family started to get more concerned as the operation day got closer, so he tried to keep…

Age at interview 54

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 53

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Jordan feels his family has become closer since his illness; his two daughters were supportive…

Age at interview 58

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 57

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Hospitals usually group treatments and consultations into clinics by condition. When having a consultation it is possible that other men in the waiting room have penile cancer although none of the men we interviewed discussed their condition in this environment. Treatments may be provided in either urology or cancer wards. Because of its rarity, it is very unlikely that there will be other men with penile cancer in the same ward.  There are however, likely to be patients with similar concerns, such as waiting for surgery and using catheters to urinate. Some of the men we interviewed discreetly shared their diagnosis on the ward although they didn’t feel pressured to reveal the details.

When talking to the man in the next bed on his ward, John Z told him he had penile cancer.

Age at interview 68

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 64

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The support of others

How men respond to a diagnosis of penile cancer is likely to be different in each case. Whatever the response, the support of family, friends...

Types of surgery for penile cancer

Surgery is the main method of treatment for penile cancer; radiotherapy and chemotherapy are rarely used (see 'Additional treatments'). There are several types of operation...