Penile cancer resources
Cancer Research UK cancerresearchuk.org Information about penile cancer from Cancer Research UK Macmillan macmillan.org.uk Information on penile cancer from Macmillan. Orchid orchid-cancer.org.uk Information on penile...
Advisory Panel
Prof. Brendan Gough
Professor of Applied Social Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University
Prof. Kate Hunt
Gender & Health Programme Leader, MRC Social & Public Health Sciences Unit; Honorary Professor, Division of Community Based Sciences, University of Glasgow
Dr. John McLuskey
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy, University of Nottingham
Dr. Clare Moynihan
Senior Research Fellow, Academic Department of Radiotherapy, Institute of Cancer, University of London
Rebecca Porta
Chief Executive, Orchid – Fighting Male Cancer
Mr. Vijay Sangar
Consultant Urological Surgeon (North West Penile Cancer MDT lead), Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust
Dr. Sarah Seymour Smith
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University
Dr. Zoe Skea
Research Fellow, joint appointment with Health Services Research Unit & Academic Urology Unit, Aberdeen University
Anne Storey
Nurse Specialist, St. James University Hospital, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
David Wilkins
Policy & Projects Officer, Men’s Health Forum
Clinical Network
As a rare cancer, finding the 27 men we interview would have been impossible without the leadership of Mr. Ian Eardley (Consultant Urological Surgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust) and support of our network of penile cancer specialists:
Mr. Pradeep Bose
Clinical Director, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, Wales.
Mr. Michael Foster
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust.
Mr. David Hendry
Consultant Urological Surgeon, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.
Mr. Vivekanandan Kumar
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Mr. Asif Muneer
Consultant Urological Surgeon, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr. Steve Nicholson
Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology, Consultant Oncologist, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.
Mr. Vijay Sangar
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Christie Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust.
Prof. Krishna Sethia
Medical Director, Consultant Urological Surgeon, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Mr. Nick Watkin
Consultant Urological Surgeon, St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust, London.
We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all of the men, and their families who gave up their time to speak to us, and welcome us into their homes.
Thank you to the Health Experiences Research Group (HERG), particularly Julie Evans, for being so supportive throughout the course of the study.
Thanks to all the team in the Centre for Men’s Health, particularly, Dr. Gary Raine and Professors Steve Robertson and Alan White for their guidance and hard work in helping us achieve completion.
Thanks to all the staff supporting the project, particularly Dr. Frances Darby, Vicki Crossley, Sue Rooke, Debbie Braybrook and Emily South.
Karl would personally like to thank: Each and every man who took part in the study. I felt immensely privileged to be given the opportunity to speak to the men who volunteered for the study. The bravery each man showed in putting themselves forward for the study and being so open and honest with me, a virtual stranger, was truly inspirational. On a personal level the warmth and kindness which men and their families showed me was amazing. Thank you all for sharing your jokes, tears and many cups of tea with me and making this project much more than just work!
Supported by:
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
The Penile Cancer section of healthtalk.org presents independent research commissioned by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Programme (Grant Reference Number PB-PG-0808-17158). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
Grant holders:
Ian Eardley
Peter Branney
Kate Bullen
John Edwards
Alan White
Sue Ziebland
Cancer Research UK cancerresearchuk.org Information about penile cancer from Cancer Research UK Macmillan macmillan.org.uk Information on penile cancer from Macmillan. Orchid orchid-cancer.org.uk Information on penile...