Hearing the diagnosis and prognosis
We spoke to people about what happened and how they felt when they were told that had pancreatic cancer. Feelings about getting a pancreatic cancer...
We spoke to people about their experience of talking to friends and family about having pancreatic cancer.
Telling children the news was the hardest thing. Read more about telling children about a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Most people said that family members were shocked and upset, but very supportive. Some people, like Peter did not have support. Peter had to cope with his illness without his wife’s support. A few people thought that relatives seemed to be ‘in denial’. Dorothy’s grown-up children helped her ‘make the best of the situation’. Once a stent had been fitted to relieve her symptoms she felt quite well. No other treatment was planned, so she and her children just ‘carried on as if nothing had happened’.
Most people told their close family and friends about the diagnosis before spreading the word amongst friends and acquaintances. Lilian made an announcement about her illness at a meeting of the Women’s Institute. She knew that she would have to give up her role as treasurer. She thought it would be better to tell people what had happened herself than to risk gossip and whispers. People found that others knew little about pancreatic cancer, which was sometimes difficult.
Most people’s friends had been very supportive too, especially if they had been through cancer themselves. Friends offered practical and emotional support. However, some friends found the subject embarrassing and had avoided them. Others recalled that friends had cried when they heard the bad news. Their emotions had been hard to deal with. People felt they had to support their friends, at a time when they needed the support themselves. Some said it could be harder for the ‘helpless onlooker’ to deal with the news than it was for the person who was ill. Sometimes other people’s reactions seemed more fitting for a death than for an illness.
We spoke to people about what happened and how they felt when they were told that had pancreatic cancer. Feelings about getting a pancreatic cancer...
Telling teenagers or younger children about a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can be the most difficult thing of all. We spoke to people about their...