Transport and travel
If you are unwell, transport and travel at home and overseas may cost you more. There are schemes that can help. Here we talk to...
We spoke to people who had pancreatic cancer about the support and help they got from their family and friends. This kind of help and support was incredibly important to people. Richard said that ‘one of the things that cancer brings out is the love and affection of others around you’.
People said that family members had offered practical and emotional support at every stage of their illness (also see ‘Telling others about the illness’).
Peter was too ill to make decisions at one point. His wife helped him copy his CAT scans and send them off to America to get a second opinion about treatment options. Alison said that her husband had been ‘absolutely brilliant’. He had helped her to believe that she would recover. Ann’s husband had been ‘fantastic’ and had ‘even started to cook’. She pointed out that a long illness can be tough for the carer, husband/wife or partner too and that their needs shouldn’t be forgotten.
People’s grown-up children and parents had helped too. Many children, for example, had looked online for information about the latest treatments. Parents had helped with childcare.
Davinder’s daughter was a great support throughout her illness. For example, she visited Davinder in intensive care. Although Davinder was still unconscious, she talked to her and told her that she was fine and that she was breathing well. Davinder was sure that she had taken these positive words onboard and they had helped her to think positively, which in turn had helped her body.
People talked about how their friends and colleagues had helped too. They’d helped with shopping, housework, and cooking. They picked up children from school and drove people to hospital appointments. They had sent flowers and cards and had been willing to listen when they were needed.
Vicky was glad to have friends who had had cancer themselves. She could phone some of them at any time to talk about her illness. Maureen’s friends supported her with their emails, prayers, pledges of love and reiki healing (see ‘Complementary therapies’). Ben said that family and friends had given him practical help and encouragement, including some in distant places who he had contacted through emails and Facebook.
William and David said it’s important to ask for help you need it. When David’s wife Fiona was very unwell, he needed help with their young children.
You might find it hard to accept help. John and his wife were used to being independent. He said that when his wife was ill, they found it quite hard to accept help from other people. Helen admitted that she was very proud. She didn’t like asking anyone for help in the house but she was glad to know that it was available.
William thinks that some people ‘over-react’ and ‘over-support’. Donna feels that some people phone too often. John told us that people don’t want to talk about their illness all the time and sometimes want a ‘normal conversation’.
Some family members were better than others when it came to giving support. A relative might be in denial about their illness so they couldn’t discuss it with them. Some people had friends who found their illness embarrassing and had avoided seeing them rather than having to deal with it (see ‘Telling others about the illness’).
Peter (Interview 13) had to cope with cancer without his wife’s support. He felt that he couldn’t talk to her about his illness because she was unwell herself and worried about the future. Peter was well supported by his children and friends.
Several people told us how important it was to have someone they could talk to openly about their worst fears and feelings. For Maureen this had been her husband, and a close friend who had later died of breast cancer.
Steve shared his fears with his wife but he also talked to good friends he had made through his church and to other non-religious friends who worked as doctors. Steve could ‘unburden’ himself and ‘talk with people when necessary and laugh with people’. There was, he said, ‘a lot of black humour in my life sometimes.’
Ann felt she and her husband shouldn’t always have to be talking about illness, so she valued having friends she could talk about it to. That way it was easier to ‘joke and laugh and for life to just go on and have fun still’.
If you are unwell, transport and travel at home and overseas may cost you more. There are schemes that can help. Here we talk to...
Here people who have pancreatic cancer talk about the support they got from nurses. Nurses can play an important role in the treatment and support...