Support for people with life-changing injuries
After a life-changing injury people may wonder how they will ever be able adjust to their new way of life. People we talked with often...
The type of information people (and family members) wanted varied. It could be information about treatment options, benefits and entitlements, seeking compensation, their particular injury and the symptoms associated with it or information about ways of improving their health.
Hearing other people’s experiences could be helpful. It was reassuring to hear about people who had made a good recovery. Others felt their experience was so individual there was little relevant information to draw on. Barrie was told by the neurologist that “there’s no hard and fast rules, it’s gonna be different for different people”. This was reflected in some people’s approach to information; they described how they just had to “get on with it” and learn what works for them. Christopher accepted there were no answers to the questions he really wanted answered.
Sharing their own experiences was important to some people. Bill has a website (Mentor experiences – see ‘Resources’ section) in which he provides firsthand information for other people to share. Several people talked about finding support groups a good space to meet other people with injuries. Adrian described being “overjoyed to help out in any way I can”.
After a life-changing injury people may wonder how they will ever be able adjust to their new way of life. People we talked with often...
To other people with life-changing injuries We asked people if they had any messages for other people who had life-changing injuries, especially those who are...