When fertility treatment fails

After the highs and lows of an IUI, IVF or ICSI cycle, receiving the news that the cycle has not worked can be a devastating blow. Here we discuss how people reacted to a failed cycle, a miscarriage after fertility treatment or an ectopic pregnancy.

Getting a negative result

Women and men described the two-week wait for the results of their fertility treatment as one of the hardest parts of treatment (see Difficult parts of IVF & ICSI treatment). They were often extremely anxious to find out whether their treatment had worked, especially if they saw it as their last chance. People found the wait particularly nerve wracking as they knew exactly when their baby had been conceived and what day they could find out if the pregnancy had worked. They often analysed every sign and sensation.

Saskia describes how her IVF cycle for her second daughter didn’t feel right through the first…

Age at interview 38

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Fiona’s first cycle of IVF was cancelled before egg collection because the drugs had not stimulated her ovaries. She found it ‘absolutely horrendous’. Carol said she could feel her hormones drop after the first week and would know in her heart that the cycles hadn’t worked. Although she put on a brave face, inside she ‘died a thousand deaths’. Saskia and her lesbian partner had had one daughter through IVF and were very disappointed when their second IVF cycle failed. However, they were positive that at least the embryo had implanted and treatment might work well next time.

Michelle and her husband had the money to pay for one round of ICSI privately and were devastated…

Age at interview 29

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Age at diagnosis 28

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Catherine felt that could have done with more support after her first cycle of IVF didnt work.

Age at interview 45

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Fiona’s fertility treatment did not work and she and her husband went on to adopt three sisters. However, the failed treatment had a devastating effect on her. She was very depressed and developed anorexia but found the adoption process very healing.

Fiona described the massive toll her failed treatment had on her.

Age at interview 41

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Age at diagnosis 33

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No matter what the cause, the loss of a pregnancy was a massive blow for the women and their partners. Anne had secondary infertility. When she did finally conceive she suffered two delayed miscarriages* that she found ‘horrible’. Although they were diagnosed with infertility, some of the women we spoke to managed to get pregnant without medical intervention. Not long after she had given up on treatment, Maggie was delighted to find that she had conceived without treatment but sadly she miscarried.

Maggie conceived naturally. But she miscarried, an experience she and her husband found devastating.

Age at interview 36

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Age at diagnosis 30

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To miscarry after IVF treatment was a huge blow. Clare and her husband had been trying for a baby for three years when they started their first IVF cycle. The first scan showed that she had conceived twins but they had both died. She then got pregnant without medical intervention, but again miscarried.

Clare described her two miscarriages, one after IVF and the other after conceiving without…

Age at interview 35

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Age at diagnosis 31

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Ectopic Pregnancy

Some of the women we spoke to had experienced an ectopic pregnancy (which is where the pregnancy lodges in a fallopian tube rather than in the womb). This can happen either as a result of a natural pregnancy or a pregnancy after fertility treatment. The experience of an ectopic pregnancy can be frightening, requiring emergency surgery to remove the embryo. The loss of a fallopian tube may also further reduce fertility.


Many women talked about the grief they felt after a failed cycle. They were grieving for the potential baby they had just lost, but also for the loss of their expected future as a parent and family. Maggie described each month that passed as a failure and kind of bereavement. She was grieving for the loss of the life she and her husband imagined they were going to have together. She appreciated it was hard for people to understand.
Liz’s treatment was finally successful and she had one son. But she described the grief that she, and everyone around her, felt when her first cycle failed. Clare found that her grief started very early on, and carried on through her failed cycles and miscarriages. She doesn’t feel she will ever forget the grieving and loss.

When her ICSI cycle failed, Liz felt as though she was hit by a domino of grief.

Age at interview 46

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Age at diagnosis 29

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For Clare, her sense of loss due to infertility is huge. She felt it was a grief that would never go away.

Age at interview 35

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Age at diagnosis 31

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Ways of coping after a cycle fails

Women described different ways in which they coped after a cycle failed. Carol said she put on a brave face, but felt as though she was dying a thousand deaths inside.

Sandra tended to shut herself away after a cycle failed before she felt strong enough to talk to…

Age at interview 42

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Age at diagnosis 33

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Naomi was surprised how long it took her to recover from a failed cycle. She never expected…

Age at interview 35

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Age at diagnosis 30

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* A delayed miscarriage (also known as a silent or missed miscarriage) is where the baby has died or failed to develop but the woman’s body has not yet miscarried the baby.

Difficult parts of IVF/ICSI treatment

Couples sometimes find that dealing with infertility and its treatment is both physically and emotionally demanding. While they were often very grateful for their treatment,...