Living without children

For many couples, treatment does not work, or they are not able to afford to continue with treatment. While adoption may be an option for some (see ‘Adoption‘) others come to accept that they will not have children. Deciding to stop treatment can be extremely difficult, and people are sometimes left feeling anger, grief and relief.
Some people we spoke to were still in the process of coming to terms with their treatment failure. Maggie, who had stopped treatment 5 years earlier, acknowledged that she would always want to have a child. Sarah had also stopped treatment and felt isolated, disappointed and cross that the future she imagined for herself, as a mother, had been taken away from her.

Maggie was fairly OK about not having children and when people ask her if she has children, she…

Age at interview 36

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 30

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Sarah always thought she would have children and remains disappointed that friends around her…

Age at interview 36

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 33

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However some people we spoke to were very positive about their life without children. Others were accepting that treatment had failed and a childless future was the only option.
Sally and her husband stopped treatment over a decade ago. While at the time she found it difficult to give up on treatment, she now reflects positively about the life that she and her husband share. She feels that that she has had far more time for her marriage and has been able to pursue her career, which she would not have done had she had children. She and her husband have a lot of children in their lives, through nieces, nephews and god-children.

Sally talked about how her treatment failure felt like a distant memory. She felt she had a…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 31

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Some described themselves as optimistic about not having children. Tim and his wife had been pursuing fertility treatment for eight years. Tim described himself as ‘not bothered’ if their treatment wasn’t successful. His attitude was that he would not miss what he had not had, although he admitted that it could be his way of coping with the disappointment, and his wife did not feel that way. Naomi had treatment over a six-year period before finally conceiving twins with donor eggs and sperm. She described a discussion she and her husband had as they faced the last stages of their treatment, where they agreed that their lives would be OK without children.

Tim felt that it wouldnt bother him if he and his wife were not able to have children.

Age at interview 41

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Naomi and her husband discussed that their lives together would be really happy, even if they…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 30

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Sally offered advice to those who are facing a future without children.

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 31

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If treatment was unsuccessful, one of the options couples sometimes considered was adopting a child, either from the UK or abroad. Here we discuss people's...