Experiences with GPs and practice nurses in primary care
A GP or practice nurse can help people lose weight by: assessing their general health, helping identify the cause of a person's weight gain, understanding...
The people we spoke with had a wealth of experience using the health service for weight-related issues and/or long-term conditions linked to excess weight. We asked them what messages they had for health professionals who want to help people control their weight. There were many suggestions, which we summarise below under ‘services that should be offered’ and ‘in the consultation’. However, two overarching themes arose, namely:
People felt that healthcare professionals were often reluctant to mention weight, or to have a frank discussion about it, for a variety of reasons including lack of time, other priorities and embarrassment [see Weight management – ‘Experiences with GPs and practice nurses‘ and ‘Experience of weight management support within specialist health care‘]. Among the suggestions from the people we spoke with were that healthcare professionals should:
The second overarching theme that was mentioned was that ‘everyone’s different’ and therefore dealing with weight issues requires a personalised approach. Shirley: ‘We’re all different, we’re all built differently. So what might work for one person doesn’t work for another’. Rather than giving out general advice, meal plans or rules to follow, it was suggested that healthcare professionals view the person holistically and tailor their advice accordingly. Below we summarise the other messages that people had for healthcare professionals.
The following suggestions were made for improvements, or new services that would help people control their weight:
In addition, the following society-wide interventions were proposed:
As well as suggesting specific services they would appreciate, the people we spoke with also had the following messages for healthcare professionals about interactions in the consulting room:
A GP or practice nurse can help people lose weight by: assessing their general health, helping identify the cause of a person's weight gain, understanding...
The people we spoke with had been through many experiences themselves relating to weight gain and loss, and accessing different services for their long-term illnesses....