
Kate gained weight in middle age, due to menopause and an addiction to sugar, which had a negative impact on her self-esteem. Kate was motivated to lose weight after concerns over her health, and succeeded in doing this by following a blood sugar diet. Kate feels that discussing weight is difficult, but the government should encourage healthy living through policy.

Kate put on weight around the time of her menopause. Food has been a large part of Kate’s life since childhood. Eating large portions and puddings was a family etho. Kate describes herself as having an addictive personality and believes that she had Binge Eating Disorder. She would eat mindlessly, and used food as a source of comfort. Sweet foods were a particular problem for Kate, and she describes sugar being like crack cocain. After living abroad, Kate found the availability of processed and sweet food in UK supermarkets to be letha.

Kate found that gaining weight had a negative impact on her self-esteem and confidence. When she was overweight, Kate considered bariatric surgery to stop her overeating. She felt really desperat at this time. As well as the emotional impact, gaining weight and her previous diet lead to digestive problems.

Although Kate has tried several diets in the past, she was motivated to lose weight after finding out that she had high blood pressure at a routine health check. Kate was deeply shocke to discover this, and decided to lose weight after her doctor suggested she take statins. Several members of her family also have weight-related health complications and have to take medication to control this, which Kate wanted to avoid.

Kate managed to lose weight by following a blood sugar diet, which involved cutting out refined sugar. Kate found complete abstinence worked for her, and lost weight quickly. Since losing weight, Kate has a much more positive self-image, and feels fantasti about how she looks. Kate no longer has problems with her blood pressure or digestion.

Kate has managed to maintain her weight loss through diet and exercise. She still avoids refined sugar, and controls the amount of carbohydrate she eats. Rather than forcing herself to do sports she doesn’t like, Kate cycles instead of drives, which she really enjoys.

Kate feels that policy has a role to play in encouraging healthy living and addressing the weight problems of the population. Stopping junk food being advertised to children and changing the lay-out of supermarkets are ways this could happen. She feels that the government has a responsibility to act, we have a problem. It needs to be addresse. Discussing weight is a sensitive subject, and Kate feels it is hard to know how to do this on an individual level. She questions whether GPs might be able to raise this issue with patients, but believes that ultimately, the decision to lose weight has to be theirs, it’s got to come from within the.

Kate also advocates for mandatory weight and blood pressure measurements for everyone attending a GP surgery, although patients should be able to op-out; of this procedure. It can be self-administered in the waiting room, and patients can hand the doctor a read-out of the results. This may help prompt doctors to address weight issues with certain patients.

If Kate was running a General Practice, she would weigh every patient and chart their weight so that they could see what’s going on.

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Kate asked her doctor if there was any alternative to taking statins and it was suggested that she lose some weight.

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Kate would have welcomed the opportunity to discuss her weight with the GP but didn’t want to waste the doctor’s time with trivial concerns.

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Kate’s family tell her that she is looking too thin now she has lost weight. Her sister didn’t speak to her for two years after Kate offered to help her lose weight.

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Kate finds support in her close girlfriends.

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Kate, a recovered alcoholic, comfort ate to change her feelings.

Age at interview 58

Gender Female