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Interview CH03

Their son was diagnosed with Tricuspid Atresia, a large VSD, ASD, small right ventricle and small pulmonary artery. Treatment: Modified BT Shunt and Atrial Septostomy at 24 hrs old. Cardiac catheters planned. Further operations planned when their child is older. Current medication: diuretics, aspirin, sytron, anti-reflux and lactulose.

  • Background

    Baby’s Age at interview: 3 months old. Diagnosed during pregnancy (21 weeks). Parents marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Market Research Adviser, Father-Accountant. No other children. The family live close to a...

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH02

    Thomas was diagnosed with Tricuspid Atresia, Transposition of the Great Arteries and Coarctation of the Aorta. Treatment: An arterial switch operation at 36 hrs old followed by a BT shunt at 5 months, a Kawashima at 33 months and a Fontan at age 7. Current medication: wafarin.

  • Background

    Diagnosed during pregnancy (18 weeks). Parents marital status: Separated. Occupation: Mother-Full time Mum. No other children. The family do not live close to a specialist hospital.

  • Age at interview 7
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH01

    Their son was diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Treatment: Japanese Stage 1 Norwood at 4 days old and Stage 2 Norwood at 4 months old. Stage 3 is planned for pre-school. Heart Scan at local hospital every 3 months. Current medication: aspirin, Captopril. Monthly injection to prevent bronchial infections.

  • Background

    Baby’s Age at interview: 6 months. Diagnosed during pregnancy (20 weeks). Parents marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Full time Mum, Father-Own Business. Other children: twin brother & 2 older children. The...

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH31

    Vikram was diagnosed with a large ventricular septal defect (VSD) at 3 months old. He had corrective open heart surgery to close the VSD at four and a half months old. He is recovering well and no further treatment is expected. Current medication: none.

  • Background

    Baby’s Age at interview: 9 months. Diagnosed at 3 months old. Parents marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Full time mum, Father-Information Technology. Other children: one older child. The family do not...

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH30

    Their daughter was diagnosed with pulmonary atresia, VSD, and an overiding aorta. Treatment: closed heart surgery (shunt) at 11 days old, closed heart surgery (shunt) at 11 months old. Corrective open heart surgery at 2 and a half yrs old. Current medication: none.

  • Background

    Diagnosed at 10 days old. Parents marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Full time mum (trained as a GP), Father-Curate. Other children: one younger child. The family lived close by to a...

  • Age at interview 3
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH29

    Lee was diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Treatment: Flecainide up until 14 months old. Possibility of radio frequency ablation when Lee is older (age 10 plus). Current medication: none.

  • Background

    Diagnosed at 14 days old. Parents marital status: separated. Occupation: Mother-Civil Servant, Father-Painter & Decorator. Other children: 4 older children (2 were diagnosed with a heart murmur). The family do...

  • Age at interview 3
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH28

    Noah (2000-2001) was diagnosed with critical aortic stenosis at 12 hours old. He died aged 4 and a half months old following three operations to try to repair his heart. Noah spent 4 and a half months in intensive care.

  • Background

    Parents marital status: cohabiting. Occupation: Mother-Researcher, Father-Internet programmer. Other children: one child aged 5 weeks old. The family do not live close to a specialist hospital.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH20

    Toby was diagnosed with Tetralogy of Fallots and mild branch pulmonary stenosis at six weeks old. Treatment: he had a catheter at 6 months old and corrective open heart surgery at 8 months old. Current medication: none.

  • Background

    Diagnosed at 6 weeks old. Parents marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Special Needs Teacher, Father-Special Needs (Night Care). Other children: one older child. The family live 2 hours away from the...

  • Age at interview 3
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH19

    Luke (1996-2002) was diagnosed with coarctation of the aorta, transposition of the great arteries, VSD, pulmonary stenosis and double inlet left ventricle. He died when he was nearly 6 yrs old after his fourth operation (not including cardiac catheters).

  • Background

    Senior Housing Support Officer, single parent for 4 years. Luke’s natural father left before he was born ceasing all contact by 36mths. Met current husband in 2000, he had a...

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview CH18

    Their son was diagnosed with mirror image, transposition of the great arteries, left sided valve atresia and pulmonary stenosis. Treatment: A BT Shunt at six months old, followed by the Stage 1 Glenn procedure at 4.5 yrs. Cardiac catheter operations every 2 yrs. Further surgery is planned. Current medication: aspirin.

  • Background

    Diagnosed at one week old. Parents marital status: married. Occupation: Mother-Full time Mum, Father-Ex-Dockyard Worker (now caring for son). Other children: one older child. The family do not live close...

  • Age at interview 5
  • Sex/Gender Male