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Interview 18

Chose to have planned caesarean with 1st pregnancy as expected twin. Felt fully involved and had 'stress-free' birth experience. Found decision difficult with 2nd pregnancy but decided on repeat CS to avoid complications with lichen sclerosus.

  • Background

    Doctor with twins aged three and a half, husband is also a doctor. Ethnic background: White British. Played by an actor.

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 17

    Waters broke but 1st baby's head was outside the pelvis. Induced, then had emergency CS. Agonised over how to deliver 2nd child, persuaded by health professionals to attempt VBAC. Laboured to 7cm, but baby's head not engaged so needed another emergency CS

  • Background

    Former teacher with one son aged two. Husband is a lecturer in further education. Ethnic background: White British (English). Played by an actor.

  • Age at interview 30
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 16

    Had emergency CS after 18 hours of labour due to 1st baby's large size and awkward position. Recovery was difficult, felt low and exhausted for one month. Same problems of size and position with 2nd pregnancy, advised to have planned CS. Planned CS was much better experience.

  • Background

    Bar supervisor with one son aged twenty-two months. Lives with her partner.

  • Age at interview 19
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 15

    Went overdue with 1st child and was induced at 42 weeks, but drugs had no effect. Delivered 3 days later by epidural CS. Determined to have planned CS with 2nd child, as felt unlikely she would go into labour. Planned CS was a wonderful experience, far less tiring.

  • Background

    English teacher with one son aged two. Husband works as an aeronautical engineer. Ethnic background: White Anglo-Italian.

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 14

    Admitted to hospital with pre-eclampsia, 1st child was born 6 weeks premature and had to spend 10 days in SCBU. Found it very difficult to decide how to give birth to 2nd child, worried about risks either way. Had vaginal birth assisted by ventouse.

  • Background

    Customer service officer with one son aged three and a half. Living with partner, who works as a forklift driver. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 22
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 13

    1st child was breech, so had planned CS. Various complications made her keen to avoid repeat CS. Asserted herself against doctors recommendations. 2nd child born after 12 hour labour with help of ventouse. Pleased with experience, recovered much better.

  • Background

    Retail assistant with one daughter aged seventeen months. Husband is a design engineer. Ethnic background: White British (English).

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 12

    Keen on vaginal birth with 1st child, felt she lost control at hospital, had various interventions and emergency CS. Decided to have VBAC with 2nd child against consultant's advice, but supported by doula and midwife. Very pleased with unassisted birth.

  • Background

    Nurse with one daughter aged two. Husband is an engineer. Ethnic background: White Irish. Played by an actor.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 11

    Rushed to have CS after baby passed meconium and stopped moving. Had quick recovery. Keen to experience vaginal birth with 2nd child, laboured for 66 hours. Some complications afterwards but glad to have experienced giving birth both ways.

  • Background

    Marketing manager with a son aged two years two months. Husband is an accountant. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 10

    Reached final stage of labour with 1st child, cord wrapped around baby's neck, had last minute CS. Felt cheated and experienced postnatal depression. Determined to have vaginal birth with 2nd child. Had easy labour and 'perfect' birth experience.

  • Background

    Waitress and student with a five year old son. Living with partner, who is a farm worker. Ethnic background: White British (Scottish).

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 09

    Pregnant with twins, had CS when she did not dilate beyond 9cm. Felt happy with her care and recovered well but disliked need for support after the operation. Keen to have vaginal birth with 2nd child. Went two weeks overdue, then delivered very quickly after being induced.

  • Background

    Dentist with twins aged four and a half. Husband is also a dentist. Ethnic background: White British (Northern Irish).

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female