Depression: hope, advice and wisdom


First, many people we talked to wanted to make it clear that they had been severely depressed. That is, they know what it was like to be in absolute despair. Secondly, they stressed they were speaking from experience when they said that recovery from episodes of depression was not only possible, but probable. A woman who had a severe debilitating depression that lasted five years (she was on incapacity benefit all that time) felt qualified to talk about how life could be turned around and be enjoyed. It was pointed out that even though everything can look very bleak while depressed, people mostly recovered from depression, and things do tend to get better over time. Several people with severe depression had not realised early on that recovery was possible (see ‘Getting better from depression). They also said that recovery should be thought of as a gradual process.

While people may be sceptical, there is life after depression, and life can improve.

Age at interview 50

Gender Female

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Says people with depression should hang on during the worst of depression because things are…

Age at interview 68

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 57

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Seeking help

‘Doing nothing’ is probably not going to help. People emphasised that people who are very depressed need to get professional help rather than think they can do it on their own.

Even if doctors seemed unable to understand, or provided poor help in the past, they are the first port of call. If nothing else a GP can help with medication and referrals to other professionals (see ‘Help with depression: General Practice‘ and ‘Help with depression: psychiatrists & other mental health professionals‘). It was recommended that people try to find another doctor if the one they have is unhelpful. If you are not wanting medication, you can get other kinds of help, such as a referral for counselling.

Strongly urges people with depression to get help from somewhere because outside help is…

Age at interview 39

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 32

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Argues that the depressed person is the best person to overcome the depression, but they need to…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 35

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Dissatisfied with his GP, he wrote to his local Primary Care Trust to get a new GP at a new…

Age at interview 30

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 26

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Says doing nothing about depression does not help – it is better to try to be active in getting…

Age at interview 50

Gender Male

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Some also stressed that in a deep depression you need to see a professional without delay, since you are probably not thinking clearly enough to really help yourself. Some emphasised the need to take action if medication was not working after the allotted time (e.g. ask for different medication, get referred to a psychiatrist who has more experience with medication). Several people pointed out that a wider network of help may be available to people in distress than they might at first believe. The advice to those who know a person who is depressed was to listen and offer practical help, including helping the depressed person in completing tasks, helping them to seek professional help, and advocacy. Interview 28 recommended the use of touch, ‘because when you’re perhaps too ill even to speak, then you can be touched’.

Argues that very depressed people need to accept help from doctors, including medication, at…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 35

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Urges very depressed people to get medical help without delay because they are not in a position…

Age at interview 31

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 17

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Advises those who are not responding to medication to ask for a different medication or for…

Age at interview 50

Gender Female

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Argues that people in distress may have more help available to them than they think. (Played by…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 24

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He needed a lot of help when very depressed, and says that friends and family can assist the…

Age at interview 33

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 24

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Develop a ‘recovery attitude’

People recognised that it could be near impossible to think positively while depressed. However, as Interview 24 said, even when depressed, you can still try to cultivate a belief that you will eventually get better. Additionally, as Interview 24 and many others pointed out, the person with depression had to be the person to take responsibility for getting better. Even though others can help, when all is said and done, ultimately it was up to the person to get better.

Argues that those with depression ultimately need to take responsibility for recovery, although…

Age at interview 59

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 19

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Several people argued that, once they were feeling well enough, people with depression can help themselves by becoming the expert in their illness. Additionally, although it may seem strange at first, one way of developing a recovery attitude is to ‘aim low’. One man in his 30s reconciled himself to ‘the possibility that my life might be absolutely dreadful’. This actually allowed him to be more positive and helped him in his recovery from a lifelong low mood and episodic depression which finally began to improve several years before he talked to us. Others talked about it as taking ‘little steps’, e.g. Interview 14 said ‘do a little thing and win, rather than trying to battle against a huge thing. I’m sure that’s the way to do it, easy bites’.

Setting small tasks or ‘mini goals is a way of feeling you have achieved something, rather than…

Age at interview 24

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 14

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Lowering expectations can be a way of feeling better about yourself.

Age at interview 35

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 17

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Another example of a recovery attitude is seeing depression as ultimately happening for a reason, and even as being a ‘beneficial’ way for the mind to protect itself, and ultimately guide you to finding better ways of living.

As when an over-loaded fuse blows, she feels that depression has come for a reason, making her…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 23

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Thinking about depression as a way of changing her life, rather than as the enemy, helped her…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 20

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Gaining insights into depression

Many people said that they had not always understood how their own thinking and circumstances contributed to their depression. It was usually only after many...