School, education and weight

Experiences of school varied for the young people we met but having serious weight problems could make school difficult, particularly if they were being bullied. Some people we spoke to went on to further training or university after school, and were enjoying life and feeling optimistic about the future.

Gemma was badly bullied at school but knew it was important to keep on top of her work.

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Losing weight helped Duncan’s concentration and confidence in school.

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Working and doing well at school made Sami determined to achieve more.

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Some young people got through school by ignoring bullies and concentrating on their work. Others felt helpless and threatened most of the time they were there. A few young people missed a lot of school which affected their school results. One girl said she was so focused on ‘the anorexia side of things’ she stopped going to school.

Naz worked hard in some lessons and ignored the nasty comments.

Age at interview 17

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Olivia’s anorexia stopped her going to school and cut her off from her friends.

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Certain lessons at school, like PE/gymnastics, made many feel extremely self-conscious about their weight. They hated having to get changed in front of their friends and dreaded activities like rope climbing.

Izzy gets changed in the toilets because she doesn’t want people to look at her.

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Emily ‘forgets’ her gym kit deliberately to avoid PE lessons.

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Holly didn’t join in PE lessons in case she made a fool of herself.

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One girl who had lived in South Africa and the UK said that every student at her school in S. Africa had the chance to be in a school team and get involved in school sports, whereas in the UK no one seemed that interested.

Sometimes the teacher would try to help by offering extra encouragement but this could attract negative attention and comments. Some teachers did not help at all and would not tackle the bullies.

Parents knew that their children disliked PE, cross-country running and swimming lessons. Some suggested ways that the school curriculum could be changed which might help their children. They wanted their children to be taught about weight and health as a standard part of the curriculum.

Charles feels it helps his son to be doing PE with the sixth form in a controlled environment.

Age at interview 44

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Sara hopes that as children become more aware of the environment they will get healthier.

Age at interview 47

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Life was much better for most people once they reached the sixth form or had gone to university. They felt accepted for who they were rather than being judged on the basis of looks and size.

Vicki has made more friends at college than at school. She says people there care more about friendship than how people look.

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See also Friends, relationships and weight.

Low moods, depression and weight

Most of the young people we talked to, told us that being seriously overweight had made them feel bad about themselves. People told us that...

Bullying and weight

"I got to a point where I just wanted to pack all my things away and just run away and never come back" "They never...