Depression and abuse

Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse—especially in childhood—often leads to depression, shame and low self-esteem. These in turn increase the chance of having more abusive relationships in adult life.

In this summary people describe the abuse they experienced and how it affects their depression. Reading about these experiences might be disturbing. Throughout and at the end of this summary we provide links to other topics that explore how these people coped with and heal from depression and abuse.

Abuse and depression in early family life

Most people who talked about abuse reported that it began at a young age in their family life. Parental (or step parental) alcoholism and mental illness played a significant role both in this abuse‚Äö√Ñ√Æand in later depression. Brendan’s stepfather was an ‘abusive alcoholic’ and his mother was ‘simultaneously a victim and an abuser,’ who ‘hasn’t done much in the way of protecting me and my brother.’ Marty learned at a young age that his alcoholic mother could enable his truancy and self-medicating, while his aggressive father ‘hit me, you know, he really abused me and that’s how it was.’ Some people we interviewed who had experienced abuse early in life said they had suicidal thoughts, problems with substance abuse, and/or themselves replicated abusive relationships as they became young adults.

Jackson attributes his heart wounds to the physical, emotional and sexual abuse perpetrated by an abusive mother and her associates.

Age at interview 27

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 14

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Many people we interviewed experienced emotional abuse in early life. Some felt they could never live up to their parents’ expectations. The low self-esteem that resulted contributed to their depression, and led them to seek approval elsewhere, self-medicate with alcohol and/or drugs, or engage in a range of self-destructive behaviors.

Maya says her Chinese mother’s untreated mental illness, cultural beliefs and expectations combined to create emotional abuse throughout her childhood.

Age at interview 27

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 15

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(To learn more about how people moved past these early life experiences, see ‘Depression and healing‘.)


Some young adults attributed their depression and their risky behavior to the fact that their parents neglected them. As Ryan put it, ‘my parents weren’t there for me.’ Neglect‚Äö√Ñ√Æthe absence of attention‚Äö√Ñ√Æmight be the flip side of verbal and physical abuse. As Devin describes, ‘My mother was the neglectful parent So I just took stuff that I needed and left because I was feeling like I was unneeded and unwanted there.’ Julia explains, ‘In high school my parents separated. My mom started dating and she worked a full time job. So she left me home a lot It was just kind of depressing‚Äö√Ñ√Æthat stage in your life is already difficult and it’s a huge transition, both physically, emotionally and socially.'

Julia describes how her mother’s not being there for her contributed to her depression and to her risky behaviors in adolescence.

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 16

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(To learn how Julia copes with the fact that her parents were not there for her, see ‘Depression and healing‘ and ‘Depression and having a purpose in life‘.)

Being placed in foster care was another consequence of parental neglect. Both Ryan and Leanna note that knowing their parent was not there for them left them hopeless, insecure and empty. These feelings, in turn, led to self-destructive and risky behaviors.

Leanna links her depression both to neglect in childhood and to self-desctructive behaviors in her teenage years.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 15

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(See ‘Depression and having a purpose in life‘ to learn how helping others made Leanna happy.)

Ryan was placed in foster care when he was eight years old, and continued to struggle with family issues even after being adopted.

Age at interview 19

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 13

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(See ‘Depression and healing‘ to learn how for Ryan it is important to realize that his depression is nobody’s fault.)

Bullying and depression

Bullying is another common element in the cycle between abuse and depression. Ben explains, ‘I was an easy target for bullying because I had low-confidence,’ and then bullying ‘made my self-esteem lower and my depression worse.'

Brendan describes how growing up in an abusive alcoholic family set him up for bullying, and later his depressive and suicidal thoughts.

Age at interview 21

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 15

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Myra describes how she was bullied and her parents did not respond to her calls for help. Later she dabbled in cutting and had suicidal thoughts.

Age at interview 28

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 27

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(See ‘Depression and having a purpose in life‘ and ‘Holistic and integrative approaches to depression‘ to learn how Myra is moving on with her life.)

Partner violence

Some women said that depression and low self-esteem made them vulnerable to choosing and staying with abusive intimate partners.

Violet says her depression kept her in an abusive relationship until her daughter got worried and she decided not to let her think that this is what her life should be when she grows up.

Age at interview 23

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 22

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(To learn how else Violet has been breaking the pattern of abuse, see ‘Depression and healing‘, ‘Holistic and integrative approaches to depression‘ and ‘Strategies for everyday life‘.)

Some women got involved with partners who took their property and left them with debt, depression and heartache when they left. When Whitney’s boyfriend left, ‘He actually took the recovery drive to my computer, which actually sent me to even more of a depression. My daughter locked me out of my administrative account and you need that recovery drive in order to get your password and get back in. And I got kicked out of school.'

Tia says that after an intimate partner stole her belongings, she went back into her shell. She wonders why she was such an easy target to be preyed upon.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

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Sexual abuse, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD)

Rape (including childhood sexual abuse) is the most common, non-combat trigger for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): 65% of men and 46% of women who are raped develop PTSD. Symptoms of PTSD include recurring flashbacks and avoidance.*1,*2

A few people we interviewed mentioned having been sexually abused, or raped. These traumatic experiences, amplified depression and resulted in them having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Sierra Rose has severe depression, severe anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and PTSD. Here she describes the lasting effect of a long-ago rape.

Age at interview 18

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 11

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(To learn how Sierra Rose is coping with her experience of abuse see ‘Depression and healing‘.)

Maya has depression and PTSD. She describes how early life sexual abuse plays out in her pattern of attracting dangerous, predatory and abusive people.

Age at interview 27

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 15

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(See ‘Depression and healing‘ and ‘Holistic and integrative approaches to depression‘ to learn how Maya is moving on with her life.)

See also ‘How depression feels‘, ‘Depression and identity‘, ‘Depression and strategies for everyday life‘, ‘Having a purpose in life‘, and ‘Therapy and counseling‘.

*1 Teicher, Martin H., et al. “Length of Time between Onset of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Emergence of Depression in a Young Adult Sample.” The Journal of clinical psychiatry 70.5 (2009): 684.

*2 ‘Facts and Statistics’. Anxiety and Depression Association of America. September 2014. Web. 7 February 2016.
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