Sexual health (young people) resources
Avert avert.org Is an international HIV and AIDS charity based in the UK, has a special young people's section which covers such issues as sex,...
Senior Qualitative Researcher, is a social anthropologist. She has worked in health research, refugee studies and gender relations in the academic and voluntary sectors for the last ten years. She obtained her D.Phil from the University of Oxford in 2000.
Maria conducted all the original research including 47 interviews in 2004-5 and in 2012 she updated the research and added 9 new interviews. In 2014 Maria analysed and added 4 more new interviews and updated the site as part of the ongoing updating programme.
We are very grateful for all the help and support we have received in producing this module. Thanks to all those who were interviewed; the researchers, consultants, nurses, GPs and support organisations who helped us recruit participants, and provided us with expert feedback and advice during the project.
Angie Brown-Simpson
Project Manager Young People FPA
Dr Anna Graham
GP, Bristol
Dr Elizabeth Greenhall
Director of Family Planning Oxfordshire
Dr Gillian Vanhegan
Brookes Advisory Centres London
Dr Guy Rooney
Dept. of Genitourinary Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital, Swindon
Dr Rona Campbell
Dept. Social Medicine, Bristol
Jessie Ziebland
Young Persons Representative
Josie Hendricks
Young Persons Representative
Julie Godwin
Harrison Clinic, Oxford RI
Kay Orton
Department of Health
Kaye Wellings
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Petra Boynton
Lecturer in Health Service Research, Agony Aunt
Prof. Graham Hart
MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, Glasgow
Prof. Michael Adler
Professor of GU Medicine/STDs, Royal Free & University College Medical School, London
Simon Blake
Assistant Director Children’s Development, National Children’s Bureau
We would also like to thank Dr Sharon Dixon a GP and medical advisor for the Health Experience Research Group and Dr Eleanor Holloway, Speciality Doctor in Contraception for all their extensive help in updating the topic summaries in the January 2016 update of the site.
Supported by:
Developed with funding from the Department of Health
Sue Ziebland
Ann McPherson
Aidan Mcfarlane
Avert avert.org Is an international HIV and AIDS charity based in the UK, has a special young people's section which covers such issues as sex,...