Having transplant surgery
We interviewed recipients who'd had different kinds of transplants. Experiences vary from person to person and also depend on the kind of transplant involved. Here,...
Having been so ill before, many people said they now valued life more and wanted to make the most of every day. Some had a lot more energy than before but said, though they still got tired, they were able to enjoy life so much more, including travelling, exercise and spending quality time with their children or grandchildren. Several said that, at first, they’d wanted ‘to do everything’ because it had felt amazing to have the energy again.
Some of the people we spoke to said they went back to work once they were fit and well enough, while others said they did voluntary work, including supporting other patients waiting for or recovering from a transplant. A few had decided to do further study or complete their studies if they’d been interrupted by illness.
Janice and Liz, who’d both had a kidney transplant, had children after their transplant.
Deepak said that, since his kidney transplant, he’d done more with his life than he’d ever done before.
Several people said it had been important to them to help others, whether through voluntary work or being involved in support groups. Some had become members of Transplant Support Network (TSN) so they could support other people going through a transplant. TSN is a nationwide network that provides telephone support to patients, family and carers of all solid organ transplants and mechanical implants (see resources). Holly was a trustee for Live Life Give Life, an organisation which aims to save and improve the lives of organ and tissue transplant patients in the UK (see resources). Many were also keen to help raise awareness of organ donation (see ‘Views on organ donation’ recipients‘).
Many of the recipients we interviewed talked about how important exercise and looking after themselves was, and some took part in the British, European or World Transplant Games. Having the Games as a focus encouraged them to train and keep fit.
Some of the people we talked to said that, for the first time in ages, they’d been able to plan for the future, including holidays. A few people who had had a transplant many years ago said they sometimes wondered how long it would last. This could be worrying. Several said they valued focussing on every day and, if there was something they really wanted to do, they did it sooner rather than later.
People who have had a transplant have to take immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of their lives. Some people mentioned that this did mean that they were always aware that they were more vulnerable to infections than other people. For Helen this meant that she had to give up working as a teacher and to limit her trips abroad to countries where she was unlikely to pick up an infection. Though she was well and enjoyed her life, she felt that she had exchanged the problems of cystic fibrosis which she had known since birth with a worrying fear of infection and possible rejection. Linda, like a few other recipients, felt that there should have been more counselling about aspects of life that might not always be easy after transplant (see ‘Health issues after the transplant‘).
We interviewed recipients who'd had different kinds of transplants. Experiences vary from person to person and also depend on the kind of transplant involved. Here,...
When recipients were first discharged from hospital, they were often weak and needed to recover from the major surgery they'd had. Many of those we...