Feelings about HIV diagnosis
"There is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have got to live life positively." Positive attitude One thing many people told us...
The people we talked to felt that chatting about concerns, especially with other HIV positive people, was vital to living well with HIV. Keeping things ‘bottled up’ just led to confusions. As one woman said, “if you ask yourself questions you never answer them.” People also said they “felt much better” when they talked. The act of talking seems to chip away at problems so that they can be better dealt with. While you may not always feel like talking, one man said, “Talk. Talk. Talk. Talk until you’re blue in the face. Then talk again!”
The general feeling of those we interviewed was that the benefits of opening up far outweigh the advantages of staying silent. As one man said, “If you do not say something, that kills you more.” The benefits of talking included:
It helps to put a lot of thought into finding the right people to talk to, since not everyone will be helpful, and some people may be quite hostile (see ‘Secrecy and telling people’). For instance, some people’s friends did not want to know about HIV, or became so distressed that the HIV-positive person ended up supporting the friend.
People agreed that there are always helpful people around to talk to about HIV. They turned to other HIV positive people, supportive friends, telephone counsellors, HIV specialist nurses and doctors, social workers, support groups, Internet chat rooms and email lists, psychologists and counsellors associated with HIV clinics, private counsellors, and even church-based counsellors who were well informed about HIV. Some people reported great benefit in talking to their notion of a ‘higher power’ through prayer (See ‘Spirituality and Religion’)
People appreciated others who really listened to them, rather than those who told them what to do. People also wanted to talk to those who were non-judgemental and understanding, and they liked professionals whom they came to trust over time. People, e.g. psychologists, did not have to have HIV themselves to be understanding. However, people who showed that they genuinely knew something about what it was like to have HIV and “walk around in their shoes” were particularly welcomed.
While talking to others can help us to deal with issues that are difficult and that we would rather forget, sometimes problems can be so buried, confusing or distressing that professional counselling is needed (see our Depression website). Counselling is not for everyone, but most of the people who had tried it found that talking about their problems helped.
When people dug deeper with the support of a skilled counsellor, they sometimes discovered that their problems arose earlier in life, rather than with HIV. For instance, one man discovered an unspoken “psychological abuse in his family”, and another discovered that it was far too important to him that whatever he did in life was something that his mother would approve of.
Of course coping with our feelings and experiences can be difficult. Sometimes it seems easier to try to forget them e.g. through drinking or drugs. At one point or another, many people we talked to put difficult issues like feelings about being HIV-positive, grief, early childhood abuse, anger, “in a box” and stored them away in “the back of the mind.” These stored away issues could sometimes seem like they were forgotten, but they could also become like “skeletons in the cupboard” that created problems for you. The advice was that it was better to “exorcise skeletons” and talk it through with skilled help, rather than leave issues to fester in the back of your mind.
"There is light at the end of the tunnel, but you have got to live life positively." Positive attitude One thing many people told us...
People learnt about HIV from television, leaflets, newsletters, books, attending support groups, the Internet, academic publications and talking to health professionals and friends. Clinics often...