Low moods, depression and weight
Most of the young people we talked to, told us that being seriously overweight had made them feel bad about themselves. People told us that...
One girl who had lived in South Africa and the UK said that every student at her school in S. Africa had the chance to be in a school team and get involved in school sports, whereas in the UK no one seemed that interested.
Sometimes the teacher would try to help by offering extra encouragement but this could attract negative attention and comments. Some teachers did not help at all and would not tackle the bullies.
Parents knew that their children disliked PE, cross-country running and swimming lessons. Some suggested ways that the school curriculum could be changed which might help their children. They wanted their children to be taught about weight and health as a standard part of the curriculum.
Life was much better for most people once they reached the sixth form or had gone to university. They felt accepted for who they were rather than being judged on the basis of looks and size.
See also Friends, relationships and weight.
Most of the young people we talked to, told us that being seriously overweight had made them feel bad about themselves. People told us that...
"I got to a point where I just wanted to pack all my things away and just run away and never come back" "They never...