Antidepressants resources
MIND www.mind.org.uk MIND is a leading UK charity that provides advice and support to people experiencing mental health problems. Mental Health Foundation www.mentalhealth.org.uk The Mental...
We are very grateful to all the participants who shared their experiences for this project.
Thanks also to Claire Anderson for her work as ‘research buddy’, and to Sue Ziebland, Helen Salisbury, Andrew Herxheimer, Tony Avery and the members of the advisory panel. Also to Tina Colletta who transcribed all the interviews.
Special thanks to colleagues in the Health Experiences Research Group for all their support and encouragement.
Sue Ziebland, Chair
Research Director, Health Experiences Research Group.
Claire Anderson
Professor of Social Pharmacy, University of Nottingham
Tony Avery
Professor of Primary Health Care, University of Nottingham
Andrew Herxheimer
Trustee of DIPEx Charity, Clinical pharmacologist,
Emeritus Fellow, UK Cochrane Centre
Sian Rees
Interim Director of Health Experiences Institute, University of Oxford
John Geddes
Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Professor of Epidemiological Psychiatry, University of Oxford.
Denise Taylor
Senior Lecturer, University of Bath
President, College of Mental Health Pharmacy
Michael Osborne
Interview participant and lay panel member
Iain Mobbs
Lay panel member
PhD student and voluntary mental health worker
Alice Malpass
NIHR Research Fellow, University of Bristol
Patrick Taylor
Director, Oxfordshire MIND
Eva Cyhlarova
Head of Research, Mental Health Foundation
Shameem Gassy
Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN), Oxfordshire Mental Health Trust.
Alastar Rutherford
Independent Healthcare Consultant
Member, NICE Quality Standards Advisory Committee
Alastair Campbell
Strategist, Policital aide, Time to Change ambassador
Mark Rice Oxley
International News Editor at The Guardian
Author of ‘Underneath the Lemon Tree’, a memoir of depression and recovery
Supported by:
The NIHR School for Primary Care Research
The website resource was created by The Dipex Charity.
MIND www.mind.org.uk MIND is a leading UK charity that provides advice and support to people experiencing mental health problems. Mental Health Foundation www.mentalhealth.org.uk The Mental...