Burn injuries
Trigger warning This website includes people describing details of burn injuries. Some people might find reading about these experiences distressing. In this section you can...
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Around 250,000 people sustain a burn injury each year in the UK (National Burn Care Review Committee, 2001). Most people will experience a minor burn, such as by touching a hot surface, within their life. However, burn injuries can be serious and even life-threatening.
There are lots of different ways that a burn can happen, including fire, scalds from hot liquids, electrical burns, contact with a hot surface, and chemical burns. We spoke to people who were burnt in various ways, including spilled cups of tea, road traffic collisions, house fires, and cooking accidents.
Many burns happen in the home, particularly in the kitchen. William, Michael, Marilyn, and Sarah were all burnt whilst they were cooking. William was scalded by boiling water that spilled whilst he was cooking pasta. Sarah’s clothes and hair caught fire from the hob when she was cooking in the kitchen. Rhian, Abi, and Jasmine’s daughter, were burnt by cups of hot drinks. Haydn sustained chemical burns when drain cleaning fluid splashed onto his face whilst he was cleaning a sink.
Childhood burns, particularly scalds, are some of the most common childhood accidents. Holly and Simon’s son was burnt on his back when a hot dummy case accidentally touched him. Sinead’s daughter, Elizabeth, was six months old when she sustained burns over her entire body after a faulty air conditioning unit caught fire.
Saffron and India were both burnt when their clothes caught alight from a gas fire. Rafaella’s clothes caught fire from a candle.
Burn injuries can be caused by other people, both accidentally and intentionally. Most of the people we spoke to had experienced accidental burns, but one person had an intentional burn. Acid burns are a type of intentional burn injury, though none of our participants had experienced this specific type of burn.
Accidents at work caused burns for some of the people we interviewed. Jeff was burnt whilst he was working on a building site, an electricity supply should have been shut off, he told us, but it wasn’t and this resulted in an explosion.
Sometimes people have very vivid memories of their burn happening, but sometimes, if a person was burnt a long time ago, it may be difficult for them to remember exactly what happened. Other times, the shock of what happened may make it different to remember. They may rely on information they have been told by family, friends, healthcare professionals, and other people who were there when the burn happened.
Justyn was one year old when he accidentally spilled a bucket of hot water over himself. As he was so young when he was burnt, he doesn’t have any memories from that time. Justyn also believes that the trauma he experienced “might have blocked out a lot of things in my mind”.
Helen X, who was burnt as an adult, told us she has “no recollection whatsoever” about being burnt. She was told by a clinical psychologist that because she had been through a major trauma, her brain “just didn’t make a memory”.
Sometimes a burn is so severe that a person may fall unconscious or be placed into an induced coma by doctors in order to help with pain relief or fight off infection. Some people we spoke to woke up days, weeks, and even months after they were first burnt.
Telling other people about how a burn injury happened could be difficult. Some of the people we talked to felt it was important to explain what had happened and raise awareness.
It could be upsetting recalling the circumstances of a burn injury. For this reason, some people preferred not to say much about what had happened to them or to their child. Sometimes they couldn’t say much because there were ongoing legal investigations and restrictions.
People we talked to had found that others would sometimes ask questions or make comments. Others’ reactions could be hard to deal with, including if they were shocked or judgemental.
You can read more here about other people’s reactions to burn injuries.
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Trigger warning This website includes people describing details of burn injuries. Some people might find reading about these experiences distressing. In this section you can...
This section covers: Dressing changes Cleaning the burn and debridement (removing damaged skin) Experiences of infected burns Wound care is very important after a burn....