Fatigue, energy levels and sleep

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical and/or mental tiredness. It may feel like you’re running out of energy and never seem to have the time to complete activities.
Most of us feel tired after a long day, but if you have a long-term medical condition such as arthritis you may experience a tiredness that’s more intense which doesn’t always improve after rest.
Some of the people we interviewed suffered from fatigue, low energy levels and sleeping difficulties. Not everyone had these problems, and sometimes the problems would come and go. In this section we talk about people who had these problems and what they did to try and overcome them.

Describing fatigue

People who talked about fatigue described it as a feeling of extreme tiredness or exhaustion. They sometimes said that fatigue was like having a flu-like virus which drained them of energy. Fatigue could make people’s limbs feel “weak”, “heavy” or “slow”. Fatigue could also be mental: people described having difficulties concentrating or getting motivated. They described themselves as being “grumpy”, “moody”, “low”, “crabby” and “upset”.
Catherine got more headaches when she was fatigued. Kyrun would slur his words and people wondered if he had taken illegal drugs.

David said it was important to monitor energy meters if you experience fatigue. Be careful with…

Age at interview 21

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Age at diagnosis 21

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Cat suffered from fatigue on a daily basis. She had a massive lack of energy and was sometimes…

Age at interview 24

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Age at diagnosis 14

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Causes of fatigue

People who experienced fatigue described a range of things which they felt had caused it. Sometimes people noticed that one thing in particular, such as having a bad flare-up, could bring on fatigue or make it worse. Usually people talked about a combination of factors contributing to fatigue. These included:
  • Joint inflammation
  • Medications which caused drowsiness or light-headedness
  • Pain (especially if it went on for a long time)
  • Doing too much (physically or mentally)
  • Doing too little and becoming unfit
  • Worry or anxiety
  • Lack of sleep
  • Not eating healthily (or not eating at all)
Sometimes a different condition such as anaemia, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome or depression contributed to the feeling of exhaustion.

Kyrun’s fatigue was influenced by a number of things. His medications made him drowsy but he had…

Age at interview 16

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Age at diagnosis 6

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Rebecca had anaemia and got very tired if she forgot to take her iron tablets. She had even less…

Age at interview 20

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Age at diagnosis 18

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Pain and sleep

Some of the people we spoke to didn’t have a problem sleeping. Others said they needed a lot more sleep than the average person. For example, Cat said that she used to sleep for 15 hours a day before her hip replacement. People talked about going into “hibernation” during a flare-up and sleeping lots, day and night.
Sometimes people had difficulties sleeping because they were in lots of pain and struggled to get comfortable. People also struggled to sleep if they were worried or anxious about something. Staying asleep could be a problem for some because lying still made their joints “lock up” and ache. People who had joint injections sometimes said the area injected was sore afterwards and this could keep them awake.
When Deni was younger she had splints on her legs to keep them straight and found them very uncomfortable in bed. Not getting enough sleep sometimes made the pain worse.

Elly had troubles sleeping if her arm was hurting or if she was worried about something. She…

Age at interview 21

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Age at diagnosis 9

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Charlotte Y had pain dreams. The dreams would be more vivid after taking tramadol. When…

Age at interview 25

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Age at diagnosis 17

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Having stiff joints first thing in the morning was a problem for some of the people we spoke to. They talked about waking up an hour before they needed to in order to loosen up their joints and get moving. People who had difficulties sleeping said they sometimes struggled to get out of bed. A few accidentally fell asleep on buses, at university or even during dinner.

Caitriona had difficulties staying awake and even fell asleep during a family dinner. She has…

Age at interview 19

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Age at diagnosis 13

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Impact of fatigue on daily life

Fatigue can have a significant impact on day-day life. The people we talked to sometimes had difficulties concentrating in classes or exams or at work. They sometime lacked the energy to exercise or eat healthily.
People could be clumsy and dropped things or accidentally hurt themselves. Some found it difficult to get motivated and sometimes became down or depressed.
Going out with friends could be difficult if others had lots of energy. Small things like catching a bus or standing for long periods could be a problem for some.

Ryan had problems sleeping because of the pain in his knee. He tried sleeping over at a friend’s…

Age at interview 12

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Age at diagnosis 8

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Charlotte X got more tired than other people her age. She sometimes struggled at school or when…

Age at interview 14

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Age at diagnosis 11

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Sometimes people are determined to fight fatigue and make the most out of life. They work hard in school, college or university, choose to travel the world or apply for challenging jobs and volunteer. Some of the people we interviewed have done these things.

Lu suffered from bad fatigue but would still work long hours and go out at the weekends. When…

Age at interview 26

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Age at diagnosis 13

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Joseph used to get frustrated with being tired and waking up in the night. He lacked energy but…

Age at interview 17

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Age at diagnosis 7

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Coping strategies

People who suffered from fatigue, low energy levels and disturbed sleep discussed different ways they tried to cope.
People said that eating and drinking healthily and exercising regularly helped with fatigue. People at work or college took regular breaks and some said drinking coffee helped.
Pacing yourself throughout the day and resting was important. People could learn about their energy levels and plan the day so they didn’t use up all their energy in one go.
Being able to make your energy go further is also important, for example sitting down to do activities rather than standing, and rearranging your environment to reduce reaching, bending and walking. It’s a good idea to rest throughout the day if people wanted to attend a party or go out in the evening.
Having time out at home and napping was also important, though people said that they struggled to get to sleep at night if they slept too much in the day. Cat used to have a nap at school on the nurses sickbed if she was very tired. Some people had an early night in order to get as much sleep as possible. Resting and learning how to relax rather than napping could help avoid sleep disturbances if people are unable to get to sleep at night.
Before people went to bed they drank hot chocolate, had warm baths with Epsom salts, listened to soothing music, and lit scented candles. When some people went to bed they read books which took their mind off the pain and helped them relax. Others used memory foam mattresses, laid on their sides, put pillows between their knees for support and wrapped themselves up in duvets to keep warm.
Lucy’s mum, Tina, used to rub cream on Lucy’s sore joints before bed.

Kerrie had difficulties sleeping at night so she tried to catch up on sleep by napping in the day.

Age at interview 25

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Age at diagnosis 22

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Deni struggled with sleep when she was in lots of pain. She wrapped up warm in a duvet until she…

Age at interview 26

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Age at diagnosis 2

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David Z eats healthily and takes vitamins to give himself energy.

Age at interview 21

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Age at diagnosis 21

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Caitriona has a positive outlook on life, accepts support from those around her and sleeps lots…

Age at interview 19

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Age at diagnosis 13

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Staying fit and healthy with arthritis

In addition to taking medication, there are other ways in which young people managed their arthritis. One important area is keeping active, which can help...