Work life and acne

Most people we spoke to had some experience of work. This includes as an intern, volunteer, part-time employee or working in the holidays, and a few had started full-time work. People had different views and experiences about the impact of having acne on working life. Some were able to give examples of times when having acne had made it difficult at work or they felt less confident about getting a job. However, most felt it was not something that affected their work or future prospects at all.

Sarah compares having acne to another health condition that affected her life much more. She thinks acne doesn’t have to be a problem.

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 16

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Acne affecting work

People talked about what it was like to have acne at work and how having acne affected their approach to working and looking for jobs. Some felt that having acne would make them seem less mature or professional to others. This included when they were interviewing for a job. Marga worried that when she was presenting her doctoral research at conferences her acne made her seem younger than she was and affected her credibility.

The symptoms and treatments of acne can have practical as well as emotional impacts. Deborah found that sore spots could be a problem at work. She would sometimes knock them which could be painful and cause them to bleed. Acne treatments and side effects could also affect performance at work. Abbie found taking isotretinoin (e.g. Roaccutane) made her muscles ache and she had to stop her part-time job as a gymnastics coach. Will did some gardening and found cold weather upset his skin.

Although she thinks it shouldn’t affect her work, Deborah says she’s less likely to interact with others when she has a bad breakout of acne.

Age at interview 25

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 12

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Becky thinks having an interview when you have acne doesn’t leave a good first impression.

Age at interview 19

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 16

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Career choices

Having acne could affect people’s career choices. Sarah said she felt if she wanted to go into certain competitive professions, like medicine and law, she would have to get her acne treated because it’s ‘not really the best advertisement for a kind of a healthy medical professional in whom you can trust’.

But having acne could also be an asset for those wanting to go into careers relating to skin care.

Becky wants to work in an area related to skin care research and hopes to make her own brand of make-up suitable for acne-prone skin.

Age at interview 19

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 16

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Working with adults and working with children

There seemed to be a difference in people’s experience of working with acne depending on whether they were working with other adults, or with teenagers and children. While adults tended to take less notice of acne, people seemed to feel more conscious of their acne when working with teenagers and children. Harriet says her acne ‘never really comes up’ at work. She says skin isn’t so important in an ‘adult world’ and she can ‘just sort of forget about it’. But those who were working with school children and teenagers could find their acne was a concern.

Reflecting back on a summer job, Naomi compares her school environment to her work environment. She thinks teenagers put more emphasis on appearance, whereas adults are more accepting.

Age at interview 22

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 9

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Marga, who is 24, works with adolescents in a school. She is self-conscious of her acne and worries it affects how others see her.

Age at interview 24

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18

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Hester worked with children when she was in South Africa and the constant questions about her acne meant she sometimes didn’t want to go out of the house.

Age at interview 21

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 15

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Image-focused work

Aside from working with children and adolescents, some people distinguished between different types of job where they thought having acne could be a problem. A few people mentioned types of work where they thought image was important, such as working in the service industry. But some were more self-conscious about their acne than others and opinions varied about when ‘image’ was an issue. Becky says acne has impacted on her life and doesn’t feel confident about doing any face-face work, even as a volunteer. Will mentioned working for a tuition company and doing gardening, which he said were not ‘particularly social’ jobs and his acne wasn’t an issue.

Fatima doesn’t always wear make-up but felt she had to conceal her acne when she was working in a hotel.

Age at interview 21

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 12

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Chris had bad days with his acne when he worked in a department store but doesn’t think his acne affected his work.

Age at interview 20

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 17

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Money and costs with acne

The financial cost of having acne was not a big concern for most people we spoke to. However, having to treat and cover up acne...