When eczema becomes infected, antibiotics and anti-fungal treatments
Infected eczema was something that a lot of young people had experienced. Eczema itself is not infectious or contagious (it cannot be spread to another...
Skin conditions like eczema can have emotional impacts. Some said that having eczema had big emotional impacts for them, but others said they weren’t affected that much by this. Having eczema was often described as ‘frustrating’ and ‘annoying’, and can impact on confidence and self-esteem. Many thought young people, especially teenagers, are especially worried about body image. George says he became more self-conscious as a teenager and thinks it’s an age when people are most judgemental. Eczema and scarring can add worry to other insecurities, like body size/weight and facial hair. Ele thinks that hormone changes in puberty added to feeling angry about eczema. Overall, people in their early twenties said they now worry less and feel more positive, but that there can be occasional ‘bad days’. Others, though, felt quite fed-up with having eczema and resigned to having it.
People thought that others might not think of eczema as a ‘serious’ condition. There is not a straightforward relationship between severity (how much eczema a person has or how strong their symptoms are, like itching and pain) and emotional impacts. Some people had fairly mild eczema but found it very upsetting. Others had severe eczema but didn’t find it had much of an emotional impact on them. Eczema severity and other things, like the affected body location, can be factors shaping feelings – but they do not guarantee that the person will feel a particular way.
Feelings about eczema related to:
Stress was a major trigger for many people’s eczema. Others, such as Jessica, weren’t sure if this was the case for them and Gary found only certain kinds of stress made a difference. Some people described their skin as ‘showing’ or ‘reflecting’ their feelings through flare-ups. Abid says anxiety and sadness ‘physically manifest’ on his skin.
Having eczema can be a source of stress. Other reasons for feeling stressed include studying (especially exams) and arguments with friends, partners or family. Stress and eczema can fuel one another in a ‘vicious cycle’: stress leads to itching which makes the eczema worse and causes more stress. Being unable to sleep enough can add to this problem.
Some people had mental health issues, such as depression and social anxiety, which they felt their eczema contributed to. A few people had been to counselling offered by their school/college or referred to by their doctor. Katie-Lauren found it helped to speak to a counsellor at college as she says it gave her a different view on things.
Eczema can make people feel less confident. Jessica said that vulval eczema caused mostly practical difficulties but it also negatively impacted her self-esteem. Having eczema didn’t affect Abid’s confidence too much but he knew that other people struggled with this.
Some remembered when other people had done or said things which made them self-conscious about their skins. They didn’t always use the word ‘bullying’, but examples included nasty comments and being physically forced to show their eczema. There was often the fear that something could be said unexpectedly at any moment. Sometimes the things that people did or said weren’t meant to cause upset, but still did out of ignorance. Even comments meant to be helpful caused people to feel awkward as it drew attention to the eczema. Vicky doesn’t like it when people look at her skin for too long. Gary doesn’t like it when people ‘pity’ him.
Negative feelings about eczema can be ‘internalised’ – this is when the person thinks nasty things about themselves, even if nobody else believes or suggests these things. Feeling self-conscious can have very real effects and in many aspects of young people’s lives, such as: school, college, university and studies; social life and hobbies; friendships and romantic relationships; work life; and relationships with family members.
People had different strategies for managing times when they might feel less confident about eczema. Often this involved hiding eczema with clothing or hair styling, though this is difficult for visible parts such as the face and hands. Young women sometimes used make-up but this could be a trigger for some. Others, like Molly, found it highlighted the dryness of the skin. Some people cancelled plans when they felt bad about their skins (their eczema, treatments and/or scarring). Katie-Lauren wears bracelets as a distraction so that ‘people look at the bracelets rather than my skin’. Shams often makes up other excuses to tell people, such as that he accidentally scraped his skin on a wall. Some people used steroid treatments more than they thought they should in the hope that their eczema would clear up sooner, but also worried about side effects from doing this.
People said they’d become more accepting and confident with time. Often they thought that getting a bit older helped. Abid regrets worrying about what others thought of his eczema because it put a lot of ‘mental restrictions’ on his life. Hazel and Sarah say they often think their eczema is more noticeable than it is to other people. Counselling had helped some to think in a different, more positive way about themselves. There may be occasional times when having eczema knocks their confidence again, but many tried to enjoy life and find things which made them happy. Gary feels better when he does a lot of walking and it helps relieve stress which, in turn, calms down his eczema.
Some people felt strongly that eczema is not something to be embarrassed about. They talked about pressures on appearance and body image which can make people feel bad about themselves. Many thought this had a negative impact on women especially, but that men are affected too. Some felt that ‘beauty ideals’ excluded lots of people, such as those with visible differences as well as skin conditions like eczema. Aisha and Hazel talked about the role of the media and Photoshopping models in advertisements. They challenged these expectations about appearance as unrealistic and unfair.
Scarring was also talked about. Aman says he’s no longer concerned with scarring as he’s just happy when his eczema is not too uncomfortable. Anissa used to feel uncomfortable about the scarring on her arms from eczema patches. She doesn’t think ‘everyone’s going to love’ their scars, but she now likes hers because they’re ‘unusual’ ‘like a leopard’ print. Some people felt there were positives that came from having eczema – such as becoming a kinder and more understanding person. Many wanted to help others who are going through the same experiences as they had/have. Talking to others, including those who have eczema themselves, was seen as a good thing (see also ‘Sources of information and support about eczema‘ and ‘Friendships, intimate relationships and eczema‘). Sarah finds there is a ‘funny side’ to having eczema too, which she jokes about with friends who also have it and can relate to her experiences.
Infected eczema was something that a lot of young people had experienced. Eczema itself is not infectious or contagious (it cannot be spread to another...
The young people we talked to felt that a 'healthy lifestyle' was important for managing eczema, as well as using treatments like emollients and steroids....