What help can I get from medical professionals for eczema?

Young people visited medical professionals for a range of things, like:

  • Getting a diagnosis of eczema
  • Treatment for eczema on a particular part of the body like the scalp or genitals
  • Advice and treatment for eczema which develops an infection
  • To get treatments like emollients, steroids or phototherapy and advice about how to use them
  • Information about alternative and complementary therapies (e.g. homeopathy)
  • An allergy test, to find out about triggers to avoid or for lifestyle advice (e.g. diet and sleep)
  • Check-ups – e.g. to see if treatments are working or have side effects
  • A referral – for example, a GP (General Practitioner – doctor) can ‘refer’ to a dermatologist (skin specialist doctor)
  • Mental health help for dealing with the emotional and psychological side of eczema
  • A ‘fit note’ (or a ‘sick note’) for time off or other special arrangements with your work, school or university, such as getting extra time in exams.

The main sources of medical professional help used by the young people we spoke to were:

  • GPs and GP-clinic nurses
  • Dermatologists and dermatology nurses (healthcare professionals specialising in skin)
  • Pharmacists

Some young people saw just one kind of medical professional for their eczema. Alice’s eczema has always been treated by GPs. Other people have seen different types of medical professionals about their eczema and compared experiences between them. Pharmacists helped Laura find a weak steroid to buy over-counter (without a doctor’s prescription), but she says that GPs can give stronger steroid treatment. She adds that ‘it’s even better if you could be referred and speak to a dermatologist’. Himesh prefers seeing dermatology nurses and finds there’s usually less of a wait to see them than for dermatology doctors.

Katie-Lauren was unsure about what medical help she would get when she moved to university.

Age at interview 19

Gender Female

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Dermatology nurses helped Cat understand how best to use emollients (moisturisers).

Age at interview 24

Gender Female

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Most people hadn’t talked to pharmacists about managing eczema, but a couple found it helpful. Sometimes other healthcare professionals helped with eczema, even though the person was seeing them for other reasons.

Himesh talks to his uncle (a pharmacist) to get information and advice on eczema treatments like Protopic.

Age at interview 17

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 10

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It wasn’t until a doctor at a sexual health clinic asked Georgia about the eczema on her face that she felt it was taken seriously.

Age at interview 20

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 4

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Himesh learnt that he had eczema when he was admitted to hospital for an infection at age 10/11.

Age at interview 17

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 10

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For more about getting medical help, see also the sections on repeat visits to medical appointments and what makes for supportive doctors/nurses.