Satisfaction with care for multiple conditions

People commonly valued doctors who listened to them and explained things sufficiently for them to understand what they needed to know about their conditions or treatments. Amy praised her GP for being a good listener. Tammy found her GP to be honest and straightforward and when she recommended that she take time off work, that advice was just what she needed. Angela also valued being signed off work. Generally, people were very satisfied with GPs who were seen as involved in care in a more holistic (or ‘whole person’) and patient-centred way. The way that medicine is organised according to specialisms relating to types of conditions or those affecting a particular area of the body can create problems for people with multiple health problems. However, specialists are highly valued in relation to individual health conditions and GPs are sometimes criticised for not being specialist enough in individual diseases.

Val thinks that her health problems might be related. However, the organisation of the NHS into specialities seems to make the specialists reluctant to view her as a whole person.

Age at interview 70

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When Nigel gets advice from specialists at clinics and hospitals he always checks back with his GP about tablets, because she knows about his other conditions and treatments.

Age at interview 58

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Loraine sees many specialists but chooses to consult a geriatrician for epilepsy, rather than a neurologist, because he sees the whole picture.

Age at interview 56

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The people we spoke to were satisfied with doctors who were able to pitch medical information at just the right level for them. For example, Mohammed felt his GP gave him just the right level of information about diabetes that he needed. Nigel said his GP knew him very well and was able to get him through a period where he felt suicidal; as well as resolving conflicting advice he had received from specialists and organising smooth referrals for prostate treatments. Jeffrey trusted his GP’s advice and felt that decisions were always made in his best interests. However, Lee’s experience had rather been that specialists ‘do the telling,’ rather than listening. Angela had found mistakes in medical letters which she thought demonstrated that doctors were not listening to her properly.

Health workers’ communication skills vary between sectors, services and individuals. Judgements about whether to put trust in an individual health worker depended on their approachability and whether they are seen to be listening. Fiona was pleased that her GP did not ‘push’ antidepressants on her. Amy contrasted her experience with hospital staff who did not listen to her with the supportive approach of her GP. Tammy and Lottie both said that they had found nurses that they saw regularly to be supportive and they considered all aspects of their care. Ann and Nigel valued regular diabetic checks in order to spot any problems early on.

When Fiona attended her GP with depression it was suggested at first that she take anti-depressants. The GP listened when she said she didn’t want them and did not prescribe them.

Age at interview 25

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Amy thinks her GP is understanding and explains things in detail. She contrasts with an experience in hospital where staff did not listen and accused her of being a drama queen.

Age at interview 25

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Age at diagnosis 22

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As a lifelong patient, Loraine feels she knows more about her conditions than some doctors do. She feels neither listened to, nor believed, when she tries to explain her conditions.

Age at interview 56

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In short, people valued health workers who listened to them and gave advice which matched their expectations and needs. People were satisfied with GPs who were able to sort things out Seeing the same GP or specialist was also highly valued as was support provided following hospital discharge (also see ‘Continuity of care‘).

As noted in the topic ‘Prioritising multiple health problems,’ doctors and patients might not agree on which conditions are the most in need of attention. Whilst GPs were valued for being able to take a ‘whole person view,’ Anne Y felt that her GP could not help her to come to terms with her epilepsy diagnosis as they are not a specialist in that condition. Eric felt that health services only deal with one problem at a time, which is clearly an issue for people with multiple health problems. Val felt that care is not holistic enough and that conditions seem to be treated in isolation and without regard to her other health problems. Tammy would have preferred one doctor to take charge of everything and her experience was that her care had been more holistic when she was a child. Others were embarrassed about using health care too much and recognised that their GPs seemed to be overworked. Ronald kept raising an issue that was bothering him but received no response.

Leonard thinks his GP’s care is wonderful. The GP doesn’t focus on just one condition but all his health issues.

Age at interview 73

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Ronald has told health care staff many times that he is having problems with what he thinks is a hernia. Nobody responds to him on this issue.

Age at interview 70

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Eric has no problem bringing up issues with his GP but his experience has been that the health service only deals with one problem at a time.

Age at interview 84

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Health problems affect people in different ways (see ‘The personal impact of multiple health problems‘). The complexity brought by different combinations of health problems and drugs creates problems for patients and doctors alike. Andrew spoke about how health care needs to account for lots of different factors in order to be successful. Some people referred back to their GP when faced with conflicting advice. For example, Lottie said that only her GP had an overview of all of her problems. However, Anne X said that whilst doctors do their best, it is impossible for them to know about all medical conditions.

Andrew points to the various factors and issues involved in illness. He thinks this is complicated for health services to deal with.

Age at interview 65

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Anne X thinks it would be a very tall order for a health professional to be able to view her as a whole person. It cannot be easy for them given the number of problems she has.

Age at interview 79

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Given the apparent need for a tailor made approach to the clinical management of people with multiple health conditions (see our Resources section) people’s individual wider life circumstances are important. Barry became aggressive and depressed after having a stroke but found that there had been no support for his psychological problems. Similarly, Derrick had found it difficult to control his emotions after a stroke, but there didn’t seem to be any support from the health service around that. Pat and Fiona said they wanted more psychological support in relation to their health problems. Such issues appeared magnified when people lived alone (see also ‘Peer support‘). On the whole, these accounts highlighted that there sometimes seemed to be a lack of perceived fit between what people felt they needed help with and the support they received.

Pauline says that she doesn’t see any planning when Michael Y is discharged from hospital. She feels that there is insufficient assessment of whether they can cope at home.

Age at interview 70

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Derrick gets frustrated that he cannot control his emotions following a stroke. He feels there was a lack of back-up from health services afterwards.

Age at interview 61

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Jean has been told that there’s nothing more that can be done for her health conditions. Without social support, she wonders whether life is still worth living.

Age at interview 80

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As well as feeling a need for more emotional and psychological help, some people said they would like help with more practical issues such as cleaning or domestic chores. For people with or without a diagnosis of a mental health problem, psychological support seemed to usually involve a long wait for help. When they couldn’t get such support from services some people looked for peer support, whether in face-face groups or online forums (see also ‘Self-management of medicines). People found things such as seminars and information sessions (e.g. on diet, lung problems) to be valuable; as were those instances where the NHS had contributed to the costs of, for example, gym membership or slimming classes.

Angela found it hard going back to work after a stroke and it was 9 months before she received psychological support.

Age at interview 46

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Ann was referred on a course that involved being taught exercises and being given dietary advice. She also attends a Breathe Easy group and went to a seminar at her local GP surgery.

Age at interview 68

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Self-management of medicines

It is common for people living with one or more health conditions to seek to take control of some elements of their care themselves. This...