Orchidectomy (testicle removal)
When cancer is suspected the best way to confirm the diagnosis is to remove the entire testicle, an operation called an orchidectomy. This is almost...
Usually, the only surgery that is needed is an orchidectomy (removal of a testicle) (see ‘Orchidectomy‘). However, further surgery is sometimes needed to remove cancer cells that have spread to other parts of the body.
If not diagnosed in its early stages, testicular cancer may spread to the lymph glands. Two men we spoke to told us that they had needed a second operation in the groin area, quite soon after the initial orchidectomy, because doctors found that cancer cells had spread to nearby lymph nodes. One said that the cancer had spread up the spermatic cord.
Chemotherapy or radiotherapy is usually used to kill cancerous tumours in the abdomen, but sometimes doctors are not quite sure whether or not these treatments have been successful. In this case the surgeons may decide to remove the remains of a tumour to make sure there are no remaining cancer cells in what appears to be a non-cancerous lump.
Surgery to remove lymph glands in the abdomen may be quite a big operation. Some men were surprised when they heard that they would be in hospital for 8-10 days. One man recalled his recovery on the ward. He remembered his drips, his catheter, and a drain in the side of his stomach, and the morphine pump that was available for pain relief.
Another man we interviewed had an operation to remove a tumour, which was lying beside the aorta (blood vessel) in his back. It was a major operation because it was hard to reach the tumour. He described the incision, which was held together with staples, and the fourteen-inch scar.
Sometimes it is necessary to remove a rib so that surgeons can reach a tumour. Having had such a major operation, a man recalled his time in intensive care, linked up to heart monitors, breathing apparatus and pain management systems.
Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (LRPLND) can now be done using keyhole surgery, but this is still quite a new operation and needs an experienced surgeon to perform and therefore is not commonly done yet. It does have more side effects than the conventional surgery but the benefits are a shorter stay in hospital (about 4 days) and a quicker recovery time. Side effects can include injury to a blood vessel, damage to the bowel, bleeding, incomplete removal of the cancer, and a risk that the cancer could come back. Your doctor should explain the risks and uncertainties before you make a decision.
Occasionally, surgery is needed for other reasons. For example, one man had a laparoscopy to make sure he didn’t have an undescended testicle. During a laparoscopy a scope is put into the abdomen so that the surgeons can see that everything looks normal.
Another man had a bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy and a mediastinoscopy to make sure that the tumours in his chest that were seen on X-Ray weren’t cancerous. These are procedures that allow the doctor to look inside the lungs and chest. The thoracoscopy and mediastinoscopy involved an incision in the side of his chest, under anaesthetic. He found the investigations unpleasant, and needed a week in hospital.
When cancer is suspected the best way to confirm the diagnosis is to remove the entire testicle, an operation called an orchidectomy. This is almost...
Chemotherapy involves the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs, which destroy cancer cells by damaging them so that they can't divide and grow. These drugs can...