Interview 14

Testicular cancer (teratoma) diagnosed in 1995; orchidectomy. Secondary tumours in liver, lungs and abdomen; 10 weeks chemotherapy; then a higher dose of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant; in 1997 recurrence of a secondary tumour in the neck, which was surgically removed.

Explains that he had further surgery to remove a tumour in his neck, found when he went for a…

Age at interview 40

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 34

Explains what it was like to have high doses of chemotherapy, administered via a Hickman line.

Age at interview 40

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 34

Asserts that cancer puts the trivial things into perspective.

Age at interview 40

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 34

Recalls that some people avoided him because they felt embarrassed.

Age at interview 40

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 34