What happens at the fertility clinic
By the time they reach the clinic, many people will have had a long wait. Expectations of their early consultations are therefore often high. Here...
Initial treatment often includes the use of fertility drugs to stimulate egg production, especially in women with polycystic ovaries. These are prescribed if there is a problem with ovulation (the release of an egg each month). Common fertility medicines include:
Some women may get pregnant using fertility drugs alone or they may be offered them in combination with other treatments such as IUI and IVF.
Most of the women we spoke to had been offered Clomid. This often marked the start of their journey through fertility treatment. (We did not interview anyone who was successful with fertility drugs, although they are often successful.)
For Janine and her husband taking Clomid was the first step on what she described as a ‘treatment escalator’ which went on to include ICSI, donor eggs and eventually adoption. But for others, Clomid is all that is needed to achieve a successful pregnancy. Those who attended more than one clinic or compared notes with other couples, were sometimes surprised to find that standard practice varied at different clinics and that there are ‘no easy answers’ as to which treatments to try in which order. Belinda, for example, changed clinics and was given different advice.
Clomiphene (Clomid) can have unpleasant side-effects for some women, even if they felt they had been warned and prepared for a state of ‘hormonal hell’. Lulu (see above) said it was ‘like having PMT (pre menstrual tension) ten times over’. After three months on clomiphene, Maggie stopped because she felt ‘I’m moody, I’m spotty and I can’t have kids’.
Another woman who took clomiphene for three months reflected that ‘it is not a pleasant experience and it doesn’t do a lot for your sex life either I’m afraid’.
By the time they reach the clinic, many people will have had a long wait. Expectations of their early consultations are therefore often high. Here...
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment involves a laboratory procedure to separate fast moving sperm from less active sperm, thereby selecting the best quality sperm. The fast...