Mental health services – involvement of families
Difficulty in relationships within families may sometimes contribute to self-harm. However, in general, families are seen as a very important part of trying to […]
Difficulty in relationships within families may sometimes contribute to self-harm. However, in general, families are seen as a very important part of trying to […]
David feels like he has been involved with mental health services his whole life, and started self-harming aged 14. After being discharged from the army for self-harm, he 'lost his way' and eventually went to prison. Now he is training to be a support worker, has done a degree in applied psychology, and found CBT useful.
After four miscarriages, baby in fifth pregnancy diagnosed with heart condition. Mother (who is diabetic) had pre-eclampsia and emergency caesarean. Severe sickness in every pregnancy. Interviewed during sixth pregnancy, and again after a stillbirth at 36 weeks. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalk antenatal screening site as Interview 29 and on the Healthtalk pregnancy site as Interview 60.