
After four miscarriages, baby in fifth pregnancy diagnosed with heart condition. Mother (who is diabetic) had pre-eclampsia and emergency caesarean. Severe sickness in every pregnancy. Interviewed during sixth pregnancy, and again after a stillbirth at 36 weeks. More of this interview can be seen on the Healthtalk antenatal screening site as Interview 29 and on the Healthtalk pregnancy site as Interview 60.

Sarah describes her feelings when she realised her baby would be born at 7 months (33 weeks).

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

Sarah’s baby didn’st cry when he was first born and needed to be resuscitated.

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

Sarah’s family had some concerns that she might reject her baby because her pregnancy and birth had been difficult.

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

Tests showed that Sarah had protein in her urine samples over several weeks. She was admitted to hospital and soon developed more symptoms, such as headaches and visual disturbances, as well as very high blood pressure.

Age at interview 37

Gender Female