
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Kay - Interview 09

Kay has been involved in two clinical trials to test improved prophylactic medicines for cystic fibrosis. She describes her experience of taking part as 'fantastic'. Her advice to others thinking of taking part in similar trials is to be fully informed.

  • Background

    Kay is 23 years of age and was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of two months and Diabetes at age 18 years. Kay lives with her parents, works...

  • Age at interview 23
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Heather - Interview 15

    Heather took part in a clinical trial as a healthy control. The trial compared the results of tests among healthy children and children with attention deficit and hyperactive disorder. The trial was over one day and involved taking part in lots of different tests. Heather enjoyed the experience.

  • Background

    Heather, aged 18, is White British, has one brother and lives with her parents. She enjoys rock climbing, playing the piano and reading. Heather’s mum volunteered for her to take...

  • Age at interview 18
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Christopher - Interview 16

    Christopher has taken part in three clinical trials as a healthy control. Two of these trials were to compare healthy children's growth and development to that of children with attention deficit and hyperactive disorder (ADHD). He enjoyed the experience.

  • Background

    Christopher is 17 years of age, White British and lives with his parents and elder sister. Christopher is currently studying for his A levels. His hobbies include archery, computing and...

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Courtney - Interview 18

    Courtney took part in a clinical trial involving growth hormone treatment when she was six years of age. Courtney remained in the trial for five years however she disliked having the daily injections and after five years withdrew from the trial.

  • Background

    Courtney is 12 years of age, White British and lives with her parents and elder brother. Courtney goes to High School and likes swimming, tennis and rounders. Courtney took part...

  • Age at interview 12
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Buddy - Interview 21

    Buddy says that taking part in the trial was okay and didn't hurt. Because the nurses giving the vaccines came to his home address it didn't take up too much time in travelling or missing school.

  • Background

    Buddy is 13 years of age and took part in the Meningitis C vaccine trial approximately five months ago. He lives with his parents and sibling and attends a local...

  • Age at interview 13
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Will - Interview 22

    Will took part in a Swine Flu Vaccine Trial approximately 12 months ago. Will enjoyed taking part and likes helping others.

  • Background

    Will is 12 years of age, attends a local school and lives with his parents and elder sister. Will is a member of St John’s Ambulance and would like to...

  • Age at interview 12
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Saskia - Interview 30

    Saskia was asked to take part in a clinical trial that involved the completion of a questionnaire at each routine clinic visit. Saskia wanted to take part to help other people with diabetes.

  • Background

    Saskia is aged 13, goes to school and lives with her parents. Saskia was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 11 years.

  • Age at interview 13
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Danny - Interview 40

    Before taking part, Danny had to sign an assent form to say he agreed to take part in the trial. He was happy to take part and found it a good experience and learned more about his diabetes and how it affected him.

  • Background

    Danny, aged 13, lives with his parents and sister and attends a local school. Danny was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of four and recently took part in a...

  • Age at interview 13
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Jenna - Interview 42

    Jenna was invited to take part in a randomised placebo controlled trial. The trial is a three year trial and Jenna has been in the trial for one year. Jenna is enjoying taking part and everyone at the hospital has been helpful and friendly.

  • Background

    Jenna is 13 years of age and attends her local senior school. She lives with her parents and her younger sister. Jenna was diagnosed with polyarticular idiopathic juvenile arthritis at...

  • Age at interview 13
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Hannah - Interview 43

    Hannah was invited to take part in a randomised clinical trial when attending the diabetes clinic for a routine appointment. After everything had been explained and reading the information she was given Hannah agreed to take part.

  • Background

    Hannah is 17 years of age, is White British, goes to a local high school, and lives at home with her parents. Hannah was diagnosed with diabetes at the age...

  • Age at interview 17
  • Sex/Gender Female