What is leukaemia?

Leukaemia is a cancerous illness of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting infection. Like the other sorts of blood cell in the body (red blood cells, which carry oxygen; and platelets, which help control bleeding), white blood cells form in the bone marrow, a spongy material that fills the bones.

In the bone marrow, immature cells multiply and mature into red cells, white cells and platelets. As they mature they are released into the bloodstream.

In leukaemia, the white blood cells instead of growing and developing normally grow out of control and do not mature. This uncontrolled growth of immature white blood cells can crowd the bone marrow preventing it from producing healthy white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets.

There are several different types of leukaemia, each with its own particular characteristics and treatment. We asked an expert, Professor Asim Khwaja from University College London, to explain how the four main types differ:

acute myeloid leukaemia (AML),
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL),
chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and
chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)

Professor Khwaja explains the differences between the four main types of leukaemia.

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On this section of healthtalk.org about leukaemia you will find the stories of people who have one of the four main types of leukaemia described above. Other, rarer types are represented too, such as hairy cell leukaemia, so called because of the hair-like projections that can be seen through a microscope on the surface of the affected white blood cells. Several other non-cancerous conditions affect the production of blood cells, and may later develop into leukaemia; we have included the stories of some people with a condition called myelodysplastic syndrome. Professor Khwaja explains what this is.

Professor Khwaja explains myelodysplastic syndrome and how it is related to leukaemia.

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The treatment for leukaemia varies according to what type it is. In the following clips, Professor Khwaja outlines how each of the main types of leukaemia is treated. For more details about specific treatments see: ‘Chemotherapy‘, ‘Stem cell or bone marrow transplants‘, ‘Biological therapies‘, ‘Radiotherapy‘ and ‘Supportive treatments‘.

Professor Khwaja explains that treatment for acute leukaemias needs to be started promptly and…

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Professor Khwaja explains that treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia nowadays involves daily…

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Professor Khwaja explains that for most chronic lymphocytic leukaemias a watch and wait policy is…

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Before their own diagnosis most people we spoke to had known little or nothing about leukaemia and how it can affect people. However, all had heard of it and had known it was serious, often because they had known someone else who’d had it. Many people had associated it with children and hadn’t realised that adults could also develop it. Several knew it was a disease of the blood or the bone marrow, but few knew that there were different types of leukaemia. Some people said that leukaemia had just been a scary word to them before their diagnosis and a few hadn’t understood that it was a form of cancer until they were specifically told this or when chemotherapy was mentioned.

Before his leukaemia diagnosis Ian said he knew very little about it, just that it was a serious…

Age at interview 43

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Age at diagnosis 35

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In this section you can find out about experiences of leukaemia by seeing and hearing people share their personal stories on film. Researchers travelled all...

Symptoms of leukaemia

Although symptoms depend on the type of leukaemia, most people with acute leukaemia tend to feel generally unwell or run down, accompanied by any of...