Shireen and Yacoob – Experiences of intensive care with COVID-19

Shireen and Yacoob both contracted Covid19, and both were admitted to hospital. Shireen made a quick recovery. Yacoob spent 6 weeks in intensive care. While they were in hospital their shop was sold, as was their apartment that was above it. Interviewed in September 2021.

When Shireen and Yacoob were in hospital their son gave up the shop, they had run for 30 years. As their housing was linked with the shop, this meant that had to find new housing, and get used to retired life.

Shireen and Yacoob were both admitted to hospital. Whilst she was on a ward, he was in ICU.

Shireen’s son was the designated contact person for the doctors, as she felt his training as a GP gave him the appropriate knowledge to understand what was said.

Shireen had lost many family members to COVID-19 in Pakistan. Based on this experience, she feared that her husband would not survive.

Shireen and Yacoob developed symptoms in short succession. Shireen spent 8 days in hospital on a general ward, and Yacoob spent 3 months in hospital, including 6 weeks in ICU.

His son found Yacoob lying on the bathroom floor and called an ambulance.