
Gender: Female

Pronouns: She / Her

Sally transitioned to female at a time when there was a requirement to see a psychiatrist before being referred to the NHS gender identity services and when waiting times for the gender identity service were much shorter, however she still had to wait a year for her first appointment. Coming out was difficult for Sally but her mum has been supportive throughout her transition. She was referred by her GP to the NHS gender identity service, where she was assessed and recommended to start hormone therapy after her second appointment. Hormones changed the way she looked, and she felt gave her younger looking skin.

Making other changes to her appearance, such as laser hair removal, helped Sally to feel more able to go out and engage with the world which she had not felt able to do before. She applied for a new passport in her correct gender. This culminated in her going back into education and is looking to progress onto University.

Her voice was causing her to be frequently misgendered. Sally was referred by her GP to a voice therapist with experience of providing voice therapy to trans people and she also practiced lots at home which was a big success.

More recently she decided to take a further step with her transition by having gender reassignment surgery (GRS) which was successful. Her recovery from GRS was straightforward but she was immensely tired, and her mental health was suffering. Since going back on antidepressants and taking some time for herself she has been feeling really good and doing really well.

She hopes to have breast augmentation and facial feminisation in the future through private healthcare.

Sally has mixed experiences of mental health care. At times she has felt like she is helping the counsellor and teaching them about being trans, which is not helpful, but she has found therapy helpful with anxiety management and confidence building.

She would like to see changes to trans healthcare, in particular for GPs to have better knowledge about how the process of transitioning works, for services to be more accessible, and for more information to be provided before surgery that recognise people may not be confident enough to ask questions. More information about the longer-term aspects of transitioning, of what people can expect in the future would also be useful.

Sally says trans healthcare needs to actually function, and it doesn’t.

Age at interview 25

Sally says, “If [mum] had been not supportive, I don’t think I would have had the courage and strength to continue”.

Age at interview 25

Sally shares her experience of buying clothes and the benefits of online shopping.

Age at interview 25

Sally talks her experience of voice therapy and the shares the exercises she learnt.

Age at interview 25

Sally talks about the changes she experienced on feminising hormone therapy in detail.

Age at interview 25