Peter – Interview 19

Peter visited his GP suffering with genital irritation. He was referred to a Specialist Penile Cancer Centre where he had a biopsy and was then diagnosed with cancer. The cancer was surgically removed. Peter had a further operation to remove lymph nodes in his groin.

Peter first visited his GP with an intense itching on his penis. After treatment with creams failed, the itching became intense and small white spots appeared on his penis he was referred to his local hospital. The consultant there again treated the condition topically but it failed to respond. A biopsy was taken from Peter’s penis which showed he had cancer. His wife was extremely upset when she heard this news and Peter was initially very frightened. However after the consultant told him it was one of the more easily curable cancers his fears were substantially eased.

Peter was referred to the Regional Centre for treatment where he had the cancer removed. He opted to have an epidural and was interested to watch the reflection of his operation being performed in the reflector of the big theatre lamp. He was in hospital for two or three days and then had to return to have a skin graft to reconstruct his penis.

Peter returned to the Centre for regular scans. These were clear until eighteen months had passed when he was shocked to hear that the cancer had returned. It had spread to the lymph nodes in his groin which meant they had to be surgically removed. The post-operative period for this second operation proved to a little more traumatic than the first. Peter’s wounds leaked quite badly and had to be changed very frequently. Sometimes the nursing staff were a little lax in performing this task which left Peter in some discomfort. He left hospital after three weeks but his home care was inadequate and his wounds became swollen and infected. He was readmitted to hospital where the wound in his right leg was debrided (the cutting away of dead or contaminated tissue from a wound to prevent infection). He stayed in hospital for about six weeks as the wound was failing to heal. Now at home Peter is still troubled by infections and swelling in his right groin.

Before his diagnosis Peter knew nothing about penile cancer and found that some of the professionals caring for him had only a patchy knowledge. He told his family about his condition but when talking to other people he referred to it as having problems down under’ as he was apprehensive about their perceptions of the illness. One of the most helpful experiences was when a fellow patient in hospital spoke rather loudly and inappropriately about Peter’s condition, but by doing so inadvertently cut the ice and caused several patients (including Peter) to open up and share their experiences and their worries.

The surgery has had some effect on Peter’s life but he feels it has not had a major impact. He has had to make some adaptions to his toileting practices and sexual activity. Whilst he was unable to drive for the first 6 months after the surgery owing to the swelling in his groin he is now able to once again. Peter still feels slight pains in his groin and legs, but continues to live his life normally to the best of his ability. He sees a consultant about the problems affecting his groin and continues to have scans every six months, but is due to have this changed to twelve monthly.

Peter went back to the hospital for a second operation to have a skin graft from his thigh put…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72

Peter had been going for regular check-ups for 18 months when a scan showed that his cancer had…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72

After having lymph nodes removed from his groin Peters wound took a long time to heal. At home…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72

Peter had a small itch on his penis that gradually worsened.

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72

Peter was followed up for 18 months after treatment, when a scan showed a recurrence in the lymph…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72

Peter had a sample of his penis taken by a urologist: at his appointment following this, he…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72

Peter had more or less diagnosed himself and therefore he wasnt shocked when told he had penile…

Age at interview 75

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 72