
Lisa, 38, gave up smoking when she was 26. Lisa is White British, is a full-time Mum and lives with her husband and two young children. She grew up in a smoking household and started smoking when she was a teenager. Lisa never really tried to give up smoking because she thought it would be hard, but then read the Allen Carr book and found it was the start of a whole other more healthy lifestyle.

Lisa grew up in a smoking household with both parents smoking. She never thought she would smoke but after trying it as a teenager she went on to become a regular smoker of 20-25 a day. Lisa never made any serious attempt to stop smoking even though she would have liked to. She thought that stopping would have been too difficult and kept putting it off.

Lisa stopped smoking about 13 years ago when her friend gave her the Allen Carr Easyway to Stop Smoking’ book. She said that by the end of the book she actually looked forward to stopping smoking and that she smoked whilst reading it as instructed. She says she can’t explain how the book works but that it is very supportive and interesting. She says that she just didn’t want to smoke anymore after reading the book. After stopping, Lisa felt an enormous sense of freedom, relief and accomplishment. Her partner finished reading the book before her and stopped smoking even though he had had no intention of stopping. Lisa found the tone of the book open and honest and found the stories from Allen’s own personal experiences helpful. She now wants her parents to read the book as they are both heavy smokers. Her father is currently recovering from two heart attacks.

Lisa used to suffer with regular chest infections but hasn’t had one since stopping smoking. She thinks that if she hadn’t stopped smoking her life would probably have been very different and she might not even have had children. She says that she has broken the family chain of addiction and hopes that her children will never want to smoke. Since reading the book she has no interest in cigarettes anymore. Lisa says that stopping smoking was probably the first big thing she did for herself, and it paved the way for many other health changes to her lifestyle, resulting in a period of study and her becoming a natural remedies health advisor.

Her message to smokers would be to stop beating yourselves up!’ as it will only make you feel bad and add stress to your life. Lisa strongly recommends the Allen Carr book. Just read it! Your have nothing to lose and so much to gain!’

Lisa’s Mum was devastated when she found out she smoked. Lisa later understood the guilt and shame of smoking by reading the Allen Carr book.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Looking back, Lisa realised that smoking had made her feel that exercise was rather pointless.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

Though Lisa didn’t intend to quit, when a friend lent her the Allen Carr book both she and her partner found it helped them to give up and become happy non-smokers.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female

After stubbing out her last cigarette, Lisa felt a sense of freedom and relief. Later she started to do more exercise.

Age at interview 38

Gender Female