Interview 17

After birth of first child she had 3 miscarriages. 4th pregnancy did not ‘feel right’. Nuchal scan arranged privately, baby was small for dates. Had two more scans to investigate baby’s size and due date. Specialist scan at 21 weeks, then heart scan and then amniocentesis. Doctors suspected diaphragmatic hernia but amnio identified chromosomal abnormality (Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome). Pregnancy was ended by feticide and induction at 24 weeks. (Since the interview she has had another baby.)

Explains that as a mental health professional she had expected to be treated with empathy and…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Seeing the legal paperwork made her feel as if she had done something wrong.

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Explains why she decided not to hold her baby after she was born.

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

She felt worried that the pregnancy was wrong even after doctors had tried to reassure her when…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

She felt anxious and uncomfortable during her first scans.

Age at interview 39

Gender Female