Interview 07

Attended antenatal classes, enjoying demand breastfeeding which has been convenient and easy apart from one bout of mastitis. Pregnant again and thinking about weaning at one year.

This woman says that she got off to a good start with breastfeeding because her son knew what to do rather than her. He fed straight after the birth and seemed happy so that gave her confidence. One particular nurse spent time with her in the middle of the night, encouraging and instructing on a one-to-one basis. That, she thinks, cemented her breastfeeding relationship and may have contributed to its longevity. Keen to breastfeed because of the benefits for her baby and herself, she demand fed exclusively before introducing solids at six months. Her son did not sleep as much as she expected a newborn to but he was contented. She discusses growth charts, mastitis, pressure from well meaning friends and relatives to introduce a bottle, the pros and cons of mixed breast and bottle/formula feeding, feeding in public and in front of older male relatives, introducing solids and gradual weaning. When she became pregnant again she was concerned about continued breastfeeding leading to a miscarriage or the pregnancy causing the milk to dry up but neither happened. So, now she is intending to complete weaning her son when he is one year old. She thinks it is really important for a new mother to find somebody who has breastfed to support her and for health professionals to encourage women to breastfeed but to be supportive of the mother whatever she chooses.

She attended antenatal classes run by the NCT which included a demonstration, a video and…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

She fed her baby on demand every one and a half to two hours in the beginning. He took one breast…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

There was a nurse, in a one-to-one session in the middle of the night, who taught her how to…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

She wondered if she could become pregnant while breastfeeding and, if she did, what effect…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female