Interview 05

Fed daughter expressed breast milk via bottle for 10 weeks until baby learned to breastfeed. Discusses pumping, mastitis, breast milk donation, weaning. Son’s feeding straight forward.

This woman always wanted to breastfeed, having been influenced by her mother who breastfed her own children. The birth of her first child, a daughter, was difficult and the baby couldn’t latch on to the breast for 10 weeks. She expressed breast milk and fed that through a bottle. At the time, she would have liked to talk to someone who had had a similar experience. She built up such a large milk supply that she was able to provide some for a local milk bank. Her daughter continued to breastfeed until she was nine months old. Born by caesarean section, her son latched on straight away but she was surprised by the fact that they both had to learn to breastfeed from the beginning. She experienced mastitis with both babies (which she blames on her abundant milk supply) and talks about how that feels and what she did about it. Because she is a veterinarian, she was able to return to work for a few hours in the evening and explains how she managed the breastfeeding and pumping around that. She advises pregnant women to give breastfeeding a try for at least six weeks and not to give up in that time because ‘by about six weeks, it really does start coming together and, suddenly, you never look back’.

Early interventions in the hospital (infant formula, syringe, cup and bottle feeding) could have…

Age at interview 30

Gender Female

She still felt very attached to her baby which was wonderful but at the same time she wanted her…

Age at interview 30

Gender Female

She was annoyed about the early introduction of infant formula which impacted upon her…

Age at interview 30

Gender Female