Interview 04

Normal pregnancy. Breech presentation resolved through successful ECV. Induction at 42 weeks. Forceps delivery. Difficulty with breastfeeding. Importance of managing expectations of pregnancy and birth realistically.

She had not expected to find breastfeeding so difficult. A La Leche counsellor encouraged her to…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She believes there is unrealistic pressure from society and women themselves to conform to an…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

Some pregnancy books set unrealistic expectations about the perfect natural birth. Women who need…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She was disappointed to have an induction and forceps birth, but it helped that staff explained…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

An obstetrician turned the baby from breech position to head down using external cephalic version.

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She wanted to have her children close together so she planned an 18-month gap.

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She expected more reaction from the midwife to the news she was pregnant. More informal contact…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

She worried something might be wrong with the baby right up to the birth.

Age at interview 33

Gender Female