
April was and healthcare team, she decided to formula feed her baby.

April was diagnosed in 2020 when pregnant with her third child. She found her diagnosis hard but wanted to figh for her children and focus on staying well. April started medication immediately, she struggled getting used to the medication and the regular tests during pregnancy.

When April learned her diagnosis, she asked if she would be able to breastfeed. Her medical team told her that she could breastfeed if she had an undetectable viral load. April did not discuss her infant feeding decision with her husband. He was out of the country during most of her pregnancy and she has now separated from him. They were having marital problems around the time she got pregnant. Although April’s husband said he tested negative for HIV, she did not believe him as she has only had sexual contact with him in the last 14 years and cannot think of another way she might have acquired HIV.

April knew about the UK infant feeding guidelines and that mothers are advised to breastfeed in other parts of the world, but she decided to formula feed to remove all risk of HIV transmission. She had breastfed her elder children, so it took her some time to adjust to formula feeding. She struggled with her HIV medication and did not want to risk her baby experiencing the same struggles.

Before she gave birth, April asked about formula milk access on the ward. The midwife advised to bring liquid formula as there were no facilities to mix powdered formula milk. April receives formula milk from her HIV clinic and will continue to do so until her baby is one year old. April finds the free formula milk very helpful, and it eased her financial concerns.

April has not connected with peer support. She received a lot of help from a friend who babysat her children when she attended clinic appointments and helped her move when she separated from her husband.

April found making up the bottles difficult at first (played by an actor).

Age at interview 40

Age at diagnosis 40

April is separated from her husband and has not discussed the decision with him (played by an actor).

Age at interview 40

Age at diagnosis 40

April discussed her decision to formula feed her youngest baby, even though her sister-in-law in Tanzania is HIV positive and breastfeeding (played by an actor).

Age at interview 40

Age at diagnosis 40