Ann – Experiences of intensive care with COVID-19

In April 2020, Ann contracted Covid from a resident in the care home where she worked. She spent 66 days on ICU, including days on a CPAP ventilator. Ann will need oxygen for the rest of her life, due to scarring in her lungs.

Time of interview July 2021.

Ann advised that people get as much information and support as they can.

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After nine weeks, the hospital “started to feel a bit like a prison” to Ann. She found being clapped out was very humbling.

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Ann lost about a third of her hair within two months after discharge and itching skin, possibly related to her kidney function. She bought a scarf to cover her head.

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Ann was eager to go home but had to wait until a stairlift had been installed in her home.

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Ann had several falls on the ward when she had not yet gained enough strength to walk by herself.

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Ann felt very anxious when lying down in bed on the ward and at home, because she associated it with death. For a while, she slept only in a chair.

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When the nurse told her the patients across from Ann died because of underlying health conditions, she worried more, because she too had pre-existing health issues. Ann was later diagnosed with PTSD.

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Ann remembered one particular doctor who made a difference to her time in ICU.

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Ann’s husband came to ICU for three end-of-life visits when her chances of survival were slim.

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Ann contracted Covid when working in a care home in April 2020.

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Ann, who has fibromyalgia, was told by her doctors that they were afraid that she would not survive sedation, so she agreed to the continuation of non-invasive ventilation instead.

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