Changes to lifestyle

Aside from changes through diet (see ‘Changes to diet’) many people were convinced that if they could remove the stress in their lives they would be able to lessen or even cure their high blood pressure.

Explains that if her condition were critical she would do more. In the mean time she focuses on…

Age at interview 52

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 52

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We heard accounts of many different approaches to the reduction of stress. Most people accepted that such efforts could only be complementary to the use of medication and that they could not be used as alternatives. But for some the wish to escape from the need to take medicines was so powerful that it meant they were eager to use alternatives.

Discusses how she now tries to stay calm if something annoys her.

Age at interview 51

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 50

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Sometimes it was a case of finding ways to escape from pressures of work and home, but the main problem in this case was finding the time’

Describes the ways he has reduced stress in his working life.

Age at interview 59

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 52

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Some found the need for changes in their life most frustrating.

Explains that he can’t do all the things he wants such as going back to work.

Age at interview 58

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 43

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Another change to lifestyle generally accepted as beneficial was exercise. There is scientific evidence that walking or other moderate exercise reduces the risk of heart disease and can even reduce the risk of developing hypertension. However, many people expressed guilt that they did less exercise than they should. The two main reasons given for doing less exercise than required were pressures of work and increasing age.

Describes the exercise options at an elderly age.

Age at interview 87

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 77

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Discusses how the symptoms of high blood pressure have made her change her lifestyle.

Age at interview 71

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 26

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Deterioration of health with age and leaving strenuous jobs were also seen as relating to the gradual cutting down of exercise.

Explains that he used to run but now doesn’t want to overdo it.

Age at interview 56

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 50

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Journeys up and down stairs were seen as compensating to some extent for slowing down with age. The car was seen as a problem, and not having one as having a definite advantage from the point of view of doing some exercise.

Describes how he has consciously tried to change his lifestyle after being diagnosed with…

Age at interview 59

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 58

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On the other hand, several people worried if they were to exercise too much they might actually be putting too much strain on their heart.

Discusses how having hypertension has affected her life, preventing her from doing certain…

Age at interview 52

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 51

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Some said they needed advice from a doctor before embarking on an exercise programme. Nevertheless, those who managed to exercise found it beneficial, and more importantly, enjoyable. A number also desired to improve their health generally by giving up smoking.

Remembers how she was told to give up smoking after a heart attack.

Age at interview 52

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 22

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For more information on high blood pressure see our Resources and Information section.

Last reviewed December 2011.

Last updated February 2010.