Communicating results

People’s first reaction when they get a positive carrier screening result is often a mixture of shock, anxiety and uncertainty. They may be confused about what being a carrier means and worried about the implications for their baby. (See also sections on ‘Feelings about the results’, ‘Newborn screening – the effect on parents’, ‘Timing and delay’ and ‘Explaining genetics and risk’).

Parents acknowledged that there is no easy way to break this news, but identified some things which could help. In particular people felt it was important to be able to speak to someone directly as soon as possible. Getting results in a letter was difficult for many people to deal with, especially if people had not really understood that they were being screened. Improving information at the consent stage will help, but it may still be difficult for people to absorb when they have just given birth and are focussed on the new baby.

Professional learning: Getting results by telephone rather than a letter would still have been a…

Age at interview 32

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Professional learning: They received newborn screening results in a letter with a leaflet in…

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Professional learning: When they opened the letter telling her she was a carrier it was too late…

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Professional learning: They really needed to talk to someone directly about their results, and…

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Several people had been unsure what some of the terms meant in the letter they received, such as ‘abnormal haemoglobins’. One mother said that because she has dyslexia she finds reading long words much more difficult than visual information or listening to someone.

Professional learning: Being dyslexic, she finds reading long medical terms hard. She would have…

Age at interview 32

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Another mother was initially puzzled to be told she was a carrier of haemoglobin D Punjab. She needed to sit down face-face with a counsellor who could explain to her in Urdu. ‘I said that I’m not a Punjabi, and she said ‘It’s not related to PunjabIt’s just that this haemoglobin has been given this name, so anyone can have it’.’

One mother felt the terms used to inform her of the results were too blunt. She had in fact received a phone call rather than a letter, but was so shocked she dropped the phone. Like the couple in Interview 26, she said she would have preferred to be told to come down to the surgery to be told about the results.

Professional learning: Rather than getting results in a letter or a phone call, she would have…

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However, another mother realised something must be wrong as soon as the counsellor fixed an appointment to come and see her, so it is not clear whether people would find this approach any more reassuring. (In her case, though, she already knew her baby might be affected because she had discovered in pregnancy that she was a carrier).

Professional learning: She knew something must be wrong because the counsellor fixed an…

Age at interview 21

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A mother who was called for screening several times found it annoying that a home visit had been organised, to give her the results, but this had been done without asking her whether it was a convenient. She felt sometimes professionals had talked down to her and underestimated her ability to understand what it means to be a carrier.

Professional learning: She got a letter on the Saturday telling her the counsellor was coming on…

Age at interview 29

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Professional learning: When her second baby was born, she felt the consultant paediatrician…

Age at interview 29

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Explaining genetics and risk

One of the first tasks in counselling people who discover they are or their baby is a carrier is to explain the difference between being...

Advising people about their options

Most people we talked to felt very positive about the way they had been advised about their options in terms of diagnostic tests and continuing...