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Jill - Interview 23

Like her mother, Jill started the menopause early. A Mirena coil, fitted to regulate heavy and painful periods, has had limited success. Mood swings, hot and cold sweats, thrush, cystitis, and loss of libido have also affected Jill's well-being.

  • Background

    Jill is a public enquiry officer. She is married with two teenage sons. She started the menopause at age 40. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Maria - Interview 45

    Maria's menopausal symptoms started two years ago with severe hot flushes, sweats, scant periods and 'mad moments. A recent contraceptive implant has led to heavy bleeding. Men at work laugh and joke about the menopause but have little understanding.

  • Background

    Maria is a retail assistant. She is divorced with three children. She started the menopause at age 41. Ethnic background/nationality: British Afro-European.

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sonia - Interview 43

    When her periods became increasingly frequent at 40 and she started to have hot flushes, Sonia felt too young to be menopausal. In a public workplace with male colleagues, she found her symptoms embarrassing. A Mirena coil helped control the bleeding.

  • Background

    Sonia is a retail assistant. She is divorced with a teenage daughter. She started the menopause at age 40. Ethnic background/nationality: British Italian.

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Geraldine - Interview 40

    Despite night sweats and poor memory, Geraldine has had few problems with the menopause. She has taken homeopathic remedies for twelve years to alleviate severe premenstrual tension. She believes this holistic approach will help her through the menopause.

  • Background

    Geraldine is an accountant. She is single with an adult son. She started the menopause at age 47. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Vicky - Interview 35

    Vicky's menopausal symptoms include hot flushes, sweats, irritability, poor sleep and joint pain. A herbal remedy helped alleviate joint pain, but she has not sought help for other symptoms. At 51 she feels old, tired, less competitive and less ambitious.

  • Background

    Vicky has her own takeaway business. She is married with an two teenage daughters. She started the menopause at age 50. Ethnic background/nationality: Chinese.

  • Age at interview 51
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Susie - Interview 34

    Despite hot sweats, poor memory and tiredness, the menopause has had little impact on Susie's life. For her, it is a normal process. She has not consulted her GP nor taken medication. She feels freer to talk about the menopause in Western society.

  • Background

    Susie is not working at present. She is married with an adult son. She started the menopause at age 47. Ethnic background/nationality: Chinese.

  • Age at interview 51
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Barbara - Interview 31

    Barbara has had erratic periods, hot flushes and mood swings since her mid-thirties. Unable to take HRT, she tried complementary therapies without success. She found it hard to cope with the menopause in a physical, male-dominated working environment.

  • Background

    Barbara is a retired army officer. She lives with her partner and has no children. She started the menopause at age 35. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sharon - Interview 30

    Weight gain has been the most distressing menopausal symptom for Sharon. Although HRT has brought relief from hot flushes, mood swings have left her irritable and short-tempered. Vaginal dryness and loss of interest in sex have affected her relationship.

  • Background

    Sharon is a police officer. She is married with two adult sons. She started the menopause at age 48. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 51
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Cheryl - Interview 29

    Feelings of emotional turmoil were the most distressing aspect of the menopause for Cheryl. Her inability to cope and increased irritability at home put pressures on her relationships. An understanding GP and two years on HRT helped ease her symptoms.

  • Background

    Cheryl is a part-time teacher. She is married with two adult daughters. She started the menopause at age 46. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Annette - Interview 26

    The menopause has not been easy for Annette. Now the mother of a two year-old 'menopause' baby, her experiences of hot flushes, moods and increased weight alongside existing health problems have added to the complexity of her life as a single mother.

  • Background

    Annette is a part-time dinner lady and carer. She is single with four children ranging in age from 2-22. She started the menopause at age 44. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 46
  • Sex/Gender Female