Pain and physical problems

The young people interviewed talked about the types of, and triggers for, the physical problems they experience and the affect these problems had on their daily lives. Chronic tiredness/fatigue is a common feature of many long-term illnesses. The different ways that young people cope with physical problems are discussed further in another topic summary (see ‘Looking after yourself: getting the balance right).

Everyone we talked to reported a number of physical problems relating to their condition which were either apparent before the diagnosis, or appeared during the illness. Pain, fatigue and other physical problems can make you feel different from other young people; which raises worries about not being ‘normal’ (see ‘Dealing with feelings and emotions‘).

Pain was a common problem and people described how it made them feel both physically and emotionally drained. Some discussed episodes of pain in terms of ‘flares’, ‘crisis’ or a ‘bad phase’. Pain and tiredness often go together because pain makes it hard to sleep, or even rest or sit still. Conditions that have periods of relapse and remission make it hard to predict how people might feel at any particular moment and can be particularly frustrating (see also ‘Going out’).

Had dreadful pain from his arthritis that would leave him feeling exhausted at school and…

Age at interview 17

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 7

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Explains the difference between a general and a localised arthritis flare up and describes how…

Age at interview 21

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 12

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Pain and tiredness can also make you feel angry, upset and frightened as well as ‘ratty and irritable’ with friends and family. People said that when they had pain they just want it to go away so that they could feel ‘normal again’.

Young people also described several other physical problems that were more specific to their condition or illness. These included difficulty walking, breathlessness, fevers, joint stiffness and memory loss. A young man with hypoplastic left heart syndrome explained how this affected his everyday activities.

Says that he gets breathless very easily and describes the situations that aggravate his problem.

Age at interview 15

Gender Male

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One problem that has resulted from her epilepsy is memory loss. She feels a bit scared as she is…

Age at interview 18

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 13

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Feeling tired or fatigued has other causes apart from pain. For instance some young people noticed that particular medications made them feel tired while others reported tiredness as an after effect of an epileptic fit or seizure. Everyone said that it is very difficult to maintain a normal routine when tired because it affects your concentration, how you relate to family and friends and your moods.

She differentiates between the ‘being ill type of tiredness’ and the tiredness that comes from…

Age at interview 28

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 19

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Physical problems certainly do not always stay the same – some people found that as they grew older the problems seemed less severe, changed in other ways, or became worse.

Says that at the age of seven she was just a bit short of breath but that her physical problems…

Age at interview 24

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 7

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One young man with arthritis explained that the physical problems he experiences today are due to the damage already caused by the condition rather than the ongoing inflammation of active arthritis.

He has physical problems created by the arthritis and the many operations he has had to have on…

Age at interview 23

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 2

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A number of common triggers made people’s conditions worse. These included lack of sleep, tiredness, stress, smoky places, drinking a lot of alcohol, not taking medication and cold weather. For some people with conditions that affect their lungs (e.g. asthma, cystic fibrosis), taking exercise without medication could make things worse. One young man with asthma said that he had learned that he needed to behave responsibly to avoid attacks. Another, with a heart condition, explained that he was not able to run as many laps as his school mates in sports lessons.

Has more asthma attacks when the weather is bad, or if he does not uses his inhaler before doing…

Age at interview 16

Gender Male

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Young people find it difficult to always avoid situations that they know could exacerbate physical problems either because they have no control over them or because they – like any other young person – have plans and goals to achieve, including the desire to have a social life. Many are studying and busy preparing exams and coursework at university, college or at school level; others are working, or looking for work, or working and studying at the same time. One young woman we talked to is raising a family. So the young people we talked to were experiencing demands and stresses that could have a bad effect on their condition.

She is very busy doing her final year at university and also working part-time in a restaurant…

Age at interview 21

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 4

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Many tried to minimise situations that they knew would make their physical problems worse. For instance, during exam times they would only go clubbing on special occasions (e.g. to celebrate someone’s birthday) or they would make a special effort not to forget their medication when going out or doing sports. It can be hard to strike a balance between doing what they want to do and avoiding or minimising triggers (see ‘Looking after yourself’ getting the balance right).

Many of the young people had experienced situations when, despite medication, they had been unable to control their physical problems. Sometimes physical problems happen without clear causes or triggers or, as a young girl said, ‘just out of the blue’. Some described those episodes as ‘scary’, ‘frightening’ and feeling like ‘losing control’. A young woman who had a very rare procedure for her cystic fibrosis explained how alarmed she was.

She was feeling healthy but started to cough blood. Her doctors decided to conduct a procedure…

Age at interview 19

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 8

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Peer support and support groups

Some of the young people interviewed told us that they definitely would not want to join a support group because they thought it would be...

Finding the right medication

All but three people with long-term conditions that we talked to were taking medications every day. A young man with arthritis is taking seven tablets...