Finding information about urinary catheters

Almost all the people we talked to had wanted information after having a catheter fitted, though how much varied. Most had known nothing or very little about catheters before their own experience. At one time or another they had wanted to know more about:
  • How catheters work and stay in place
  • How to keep the area around the catheter clean
  • Which catheters and bags might suit them best
  • Different types of catheter valves
  • How to fix the catheter bag to the leg or to the stand
  • How often to change the catheter
  • How to prevent or get rid of an infection
  • What drinks were best
  • How to unblock a catheter
  • How to prevent leaking
  • How to manage pain caused by bladder spasms
  • How often to have a check-up with a urologist and an ultrasound scan
  • Having a sexual relationship with a catheter in place
People varied widely in how much they wanted to know and when. Several said that they hadn’t been told much, particularly at the time of their accident or when they had first needed the catheter. Stuart, for example, who broke his neck in 1997, aged 47, had lacked information. He was given a suprapubic catheter and spent almost a year in hospital.

Stuart says he was given grossly inadequate’ information. He thinks patients should be shown a…

Age at interview 49

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Sometimes information can be given too soon after a life changing injury. Melanie feels there isn…

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Stuart had to pick up information ‘ad hoc’ after he left hospital. He said, for example, that no one told him that catheters come in different sizes and that various types of valves exist for leg bags. Stuart also said that no one mentioned sex. Several other people said they’d also had to ask lots of questions to get information when first fitted with a catheter but information was not volunteered.

Carol had at times lacked information, for example she didn’t know that she should not detach the…

Age at interview 49

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Charles described a serious lack of information. He didn’t know that it was a good idea to have…

Age at interview 49

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Jennifer went into hospital with retention. When she left hospital she wasn’t told enough about…

Age at interview 49

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Some people said that they had been given conflicting information. John Y, for example, said that he’d got conflicting information about whether or not it was a good idea to drink cranberry juice to prevent infections. Jack was originally told that his catheter should be changed every 12 weeks, but recently a nurse told him that it needed changing every four weeks. Roger also mentioned getting conflicting information.

Jack would like to know how often a catheter should be changed. He would opt for a permanent one…

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Roger often got conflicting advice from doctors and nurses about his suprapubic catheter.

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Others had much better experiences. Gavin, for example, got information from health professionals and others in a similar situation, and said the advice had been ‘pretty consistent’. Alex said that she’d been given good information from her continence advisor and from her consultant. Ian had got excellent information in the hospital’s spinal unit and later from district nurses.

After Ian broke his neck, he was told a lot about many aspects of his care.

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When people struggled to get enough information from some of the professionals involved in their care, they either approached others with a similar condition and asked their advice, or they searched the internet for what they needed. However, Iain warned that the internet gives bad information as well as good. Other people went back to the specialist units where they had stayed as an inpatient for long periods. A few also looked at leaflets provided by the hospital, or looked at relevant books. Some people also sought advice from family members, carers, charitable organisations or their pharmacist.

Michelle said her GP knew absolutely nothing’ about catheters. She got most of her information…

Age at interview 49

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Alok said that doctors may tell patients about catheters, but patients are often in a state of…

Age at interview 49

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Iain thinks the Bladder and Bowel Foundation website is one of the best. He also recommends the…

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Hayley regards the internet as her ‘friend. She distrusts forums which express people’s personal…

Age at interview 49

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Gordon’s catheter changes were painful because of an enlarged prostate. He found out about a…

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Several women with Fowler’s Syndrome had found most of their information through a group on Facebook.

Jade and her friends learn from each other by communicating on Facebook. She believes that only…

Age at interview 49

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Some people don’t like using the internet or prefer leaving decisions about their medical care to their doctors. Ann had not searched for information about catheters on the internet and had, on the whole, had enough information. She would have liked to have been told that the drainage bag can slip out of the stand by the bed at night. This happened one day and she woke in a flood of urine. Apart from that, she was satisfied with how much information she had been given. Indeed, she said that too much information at first might have overwhelmed her. Later, her daughter-law, a nurse, advised her to use a sleeve to hold her leg bag in place.

Annie had a wonderful nurse who answered questions. Annie also got an information pack but didn’t…

Age at interview 49

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More information about indwelling catheters can be found in the Bladder & Bowel Foundation booklet.