The physical benefits of losing weight
"If you don't have your health it's very hard to have anything else, or appreciate anything else so to speak. If you're ill it doesn't...
Weight management programmes like SHINE (Self Help Independence, Nutrition and Exercise) and MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition Do it! Programme), were said to be extremely helpful for increasing self-confidence as well as for losing weight (see Community-based weight management programmes).
As they lost weight, some young people had become more conscious about their physical appearance. Several said that they felt confused and had conflicting feelings about losing weight and about their new body shape. Some girls who were losing weight talked about how very proud they were of the curvy figure they had achieved and had no intention of losing more weight. Losing weight could also bring up new issues for young people to deal with, like the need to exercise in order to tone muscles.
"If you don't have your health it's very hard to have anything else, or appreciate anything else so to speak. If you're ill it doesn't...
We asked the young people that we interviewed to give other young people, parents and schools advice about how to make things better for those...