Financial impact of Long Covid on the household
This section explores how people’s ongoing Long Covid symptoms have affected their family’s financial situation. This topic is split into the following areas: Impact on...
Here we describe what people said about the impact of Long Covid on going to school, college, or university. This page covers:
Returning to education after being off with a Covid infection was challenging for the people we talked to. Ongoing symptoms made being back in education difficult, including brain fog which made it harder for Ben, Richard’s son, Catherine’s son, and others to concentrate in lessons and when revising for tests. It now takes Beth’s daughter and Katie longer to do any lessons, like writing stories or completing maths problems.
Managing fatigue was a concern for many young people when they were back at school. Amira, Abigail, Harry and others said PE lessons at school were difficult. Beth found if she took breaks throughout her P.E. and swimming lessons she could gradually do more and more. Abigail does P.E. when she has the energy otherwise, she takes a break in the sports assembly room which she says is better than sitting on the side-lines and watching.
People also spoke about symptoms getting worse after going back to school, college or university. Often, they described this as “crashing,” “relapsing,” or being “wiped out” and they needed more time off to try and recover. Xanthe, who had been at university doing a Master’s degree, said she struggled to stay awake at her laptop. After taking a couple of months off she said that going back in for one day a week “would absolutely wipe me out.”
There was also fear of catching Covid again at school/college/university which led Francesca’s daughter to have more time off after returning to school when Covid outbreaks occurred.
Taking time off school/college/university or being on a reduced timetable was often necessary to help children and young people rest or attend medical appointments. However, people told us about falling behind with work, losing touch with friends, and feeling stuck while their peers got on with their lives.
Being absent from school also impacted family life as parents needed to be at home more to look after their unwell child (see ‘Changes to work and impact on the family‘).
People told us about how they communicated with education settings about absences or other impacts of Long Covid. Jana provided her child’s school with a letter from their GP. Gracie, Sasha, Lucy, and others said that specialists, such as paediatricians or psychologists, wrote to their education providers with a suggested plan or explanation. Parents said there was a need for more coordination between their children’s doctors and their schools.
Communication with educational settings wasn’t always straightforward. People told us how it was sometimes hard to explain the impacts of Long Covid to teachers and others.
People told us about the positive ways in which schools/colleges/universities had responded to being told about their Long Covid and the additional support they needed. Positive responses included being understanding, supportive, and proactive in putting helpful adjustments in place. When Emma A explained that six classes had moved rooms to enable her daughter’s wheelchair access to a ground floor classroom, she added that “the school couldn’t have done more.” Emma B’s daughter (Freya) had been provided with a robot by her local council so she could learn at home.
Hannah and Jessica both described their universities as supportive.
Not everyone we spoke to said that their school/college/university had responded positively or helped them manage their Long Covid. Schools were often focused on attendance. Ben said his teachers’ responses were a “mixed bag” because some said “don’t push yourself” while others were “the opposite and want me to do the same things and the same tests (as the other pupils).” Amira felt that some of her teachers didn’t believe she had Long Covid and thought it was an excuse because she didn’t want to attend school. Francesca felt the school sent out standard communication to everyone and that this failed to recognise what her family were going through with her daughter’s Long Covid.
The children and young people we talked to wanted their lives to go back to normal. They wished that they could go to school, college or university as they had before they got Covid and were trying to find ways of doing well in education while managing their Long Covid symptoms too. Rosie, interviewed in December 2021, prioritised going in for her Art lessons, rather than her other two subjects, because she didn’t have to concentrate as hard. It meant she could work with her teacher on preparing for her AS level exam.
This section explores how people’s ongoing Long Covid symptoms have affected their family’s financial situation. This topic is split into the following areas: Impact on...
We asked people with Long Covid and those living with people with Long Covid about the impact it has had on their relationships. This section...